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Your Guide to Buying and Using a Standing Desk in Your Home Office

28 June 2022

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of working from home normalized. It was only a perk for some privileged employees before the pandemic changed the dynamics of how businesses operated.

While working from home made it possible for companies to continue their operations, it posed numerous challenges for both employees and employers. The employees had to work from their homes without adequate office equipment, and the employers had to face difficulty learning to manage remote teams.

The employees utilized what was available to them at home to set up their home offices. Some people used their kitchen counters as makeshift work desks. Others preferred working from their beds and sofas. It sounds like the employees have gotten pretty comfortable working from home. However, this has put remote employees at serious risk of developing serious and long-lasting health complications like musculoskeletal diseases (MSDs).

It’s after 2 years of working from home that people have started to experience the consequences of working in incorrect postures. People are presenting complaints of shoulder and neck pain and lower back pain, among many other problems.

One thing is certain. Poor posture is to blame for most of the health-related problems that remote employees have been reporting.

What Can Poor Posture Do?

What Can Poor Posture Do?

Not many people know the severity of the problem we’re addressing. You may feel like you’re the most comfortable working from your couch or bed, but what you don’t know is that you might be putting yourself at the risk of serious health problems.

Not sitting in the proper upright position can have serious consequences. Sitting in an incorrect posture for too long can put stress on the muscles of your neck, shoulder, and lower back, and this can lead to long-lasting health conditions like musculoskeletal disorders.

Insufficient mobility is the biggest challenge that the world is facing today. Most of the jobs today have been automated, and the workers just have to sit in front of their computer screens for long hours. The little physical activity that employees were involved in, like walking around the workplace, has also been lost amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you’re working from home, we suggest you work on correcting your posture today so that you can prevent any health conditions in the future.

How to Ensure Correct Posture When Working from Home

How to Ensure Correct Posture When Working from Home

The most effective posture correcting solution for remote employees is ergonomic furniture. Ergonomic work desks and ergonomic chairs are designed with careful considerations to ensure the user’s body is fully supported, and no part of their body is under too much stress.

Ergonomic furniture ensures proper ergonomics and significantly reduces the risk of posture-related health complications.

What is a Standing Desk?

What is a Standing Desk?

As you can tell by the name, a standing desk is a type of work desk that’s used while standing. Unlike the regular work desks that you use while seated in a chair, these desks come with a height adjustment feature that enables people of all heights to adjust the desk’s height to their preferences and work while standing.

Standing desks omit the risks associated with sitting in an incorrect posture for too long. Standing while working is so much better than sitting. This is because when you’re sitting in the wrong posture for too long, your body is under stress, but the muscles of your lower body may become inactive due to a lack of physical activity.

The blood flow to the lower extremities becomes compromised. This is the reason why your feet may feel numb, or you experience the tingling sensation in your feet if you’re sitting in the same posture for too long.

However, with a standing desk, you work while standing. Your body has to maintain a balance to keep you from falling. To do this, the muscles of your legs contract and relax simultaneously to maintain your body’s balance. Your muscles are active all the time, and this prevents the muscular fatigue or discomfort that sitting for too long is often associated with.

Buying the Right Standing Desk for Your Home Office

Buying the Right Standing Desk for Your Home Office

Now that you know what a standing desk is and how it can benefit you, you may be eager to buy one for your home office and ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

When you start the search for a standing desk, you might get overwhelmed with the number of options that are available. Not all standing desks are made to be equal.

If you’re planning to invest in a standing desk for your home office, you should consider the following factors:

Ease of Use

2 types of standing desks are available; manual and automatic. In manual standing desks, you’ve got to raise or lower the desk manually, and that can be quite a hassle, especially if you want to lower the level to convert your standing desk into a regular desk that you can use while sitting during a meeting or a call.

Automatic standing desks, as you can tell by the name, can be adjusted by the click of a button.

Depending on the level of convenience you want, you can choose between the 2 types.


Standing desks aren’t dull or boring that most people assume them to be. While the most commonly used standing desks are white and plain, they aren’t the only ones available. You’ll be amazed to see the options, from L-shaped desks to standing desks that can be coupled with an under desk treadmill.

If aesthetics are a concern for you, you won’t be disappointed. Many aesthetically appealing standing desks are also available. One such option is Comhar All-in-One Standing Desk Glass Top. You should choose the style of standing desk that best suits your preferences.


Standing desks come in a variety of sizes. If you need a standing desk to place your laptop only, a small-sized standing desk will do the job well. However, if you need more desk space for your computer, keyboard, mouse, coffee cup, and other accessories, you can always buy a larger standing desk.


Another very important factor that you should consider when buying a standing desk is its functionality. Different jobs have different requirements. For example, if you need multiple screens for their work, you’ll need a standing desk that’s suitable for placing multiple screens at an appropriate angle.

If a standing desk can’t meet your requirements, it’s of no real use for you.


Of course, the cost is a very critical factor that you can’t possibly overlook. A standing desk can cost you as low as $400 and as high as $2,500. It’s always better to invest in a high-end product so that it lasts longer and offers more functionality and convenience.

Using the Standing Desk Correctly

Using the Standing Desk Correctly

You’ll benefit from a standing desk only if you use it correctly. As someone who has never used a standing desk before, you may not know how to use it correctly.

But fret not. Go through the tips below to know what the correct way of using a standing desk is.

Adjust the Height Just Right

The height of your standing desk must be adjusted such that your elbows are placed at an angle of 90 degrees. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed, and your neck is upright. Your forearms must be parallel to the desk. Additionally, you should also ensure that the wrists are resting on the keyboard and aren’t bent and raised at an awkward angle while you type.

If the desk is too high or too low, your body won’t be in an ideal posture (as explained above), and you may not benefit from the standing desk at all.

When you’re using your standing desk while sitting, make sure the height of the desk is adjusted such that your elbows are placed on the desk at 90 degrees and your forearms are parallel to the desk’s surface. Your wrists are in the correct posture just like they were when you were standing, only that you’re sitting in your chair now.

Watch Your Posture While You Stand

When you’re using your standing desk while standing, watch your posture. Your shoulders must be relaxed, your neck must be upright, and your knees must be slightly bent to prevent them from locking from prolonged standing.

If you’re using the standing desk while sitting, the height of the desk must ensure that you don’t have to stretch your neck, bend your back, or extend your arms to reach the desk’s surface while being seated in your chair.

A standing desk is only as good as we say it is if you use it correctly. If you don’t, you’re continuing to work in a poor posture despite spending a lot of money on the standing desk for your home office.

When buying a standing desk for your home office, keep your comfort on the top of your priority list. If a certain model of standing desk doesn’t feel comfortable when you first try it at the store, it’s probably not the best option for you. A standing desk must feel just right. If the desk makes you feel it’s made just for you, know that you’ve hit the jackpot!