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Work and Mental Health

13 March 2023

The Importance of Mental Health

As mentioned above, our mental health and well-being are essential for us in our everyday lives to be able to get through life. A person with poor mental health that goes unaddressed will crumble under the stresses of everyday life and will not be able to perform their best. Our mental health affects how we deal with situations on a daily basis as it affects how we think, make decisions, and interact with others. Good mental health helps us thrive, while poor mental health can result in physical problems, unhappiness, lack of motivation, and low self-esteem in an individual. It affects their ability to perform in academics, work, and social settings and negatively affects their health.

How Can Work Stress Impact Your Mental Health?

Many things can disrupt our mental health. It may be caused by trauma from a childhood experience, being bullied, or being abused. It can be caused by physical illness or injury. It can be caused by enduring long-term work stress or being racially discriminated against. It can result from being lonely and feeling socially isolated. Working long hours, tight deadlines, and being unable to take breaks can take a toll on an individual's mental health. This is why it is important to make sure that everyone is aware of the importance of mental health, and is able to recognize when they are not okay.

Working Overtime

Working extra hours can be mentally taxing, making you feel exhausted. There should be set work hours so that employees can take time for themselves.

Low Salaries

Low salaries are a big cause of stress in the workplace and must be addressed. It makes the employee feel like they are giving way more than they should and are not getting the reward they deserve. This can cause a lack of motivation and poor work quality as a result.

Not Being Encouraged at Work

Not being praised for good work or your achievements can make employees feel exhausted and a sense of feeling demotivated in the workplace. it is important to be recognized and rewarded for your efforts; otherwise, it results in resentment, depression, and poor quality of work

Toxic Work Environment

A toxic work environment is one where there is unhealthy competition, politics, and racial or other discrimination. There is a lack of encouragement and transparency in the workplace, and employees are made to work overtime for minimum salaries. Such toxic work environments are responsible for employees' low self-esteem and are detrimental to their mental well-being.

Physically Uncomfortable Work Environment

If your workplace has poor ergonomics, it would be difficult for you to focus and produce good quality work as you would be distracted by discomfort, pain, and fatigue from uncomfortable work conditions. If you are an employer, you must ensure that you provide adequate working conditions to your employees so that there is minimal discomfort and maximum work efficiency.

Work That Is Not Challenging Enough

Often work that doesn't feel challenging enough or doesn't engage you feel boring and tiresome. You aren't motivated, and you feel like you are stuck in a rut. This can cause you to feel unhappy, discontent, and burnt out in the workplace.

Lack of Opportunities to Grow

If you feel like you have reached a point at your company where there is no more room for growth or there aren't opportunities being created for you to sharpen your skills and maximize your potential, you may start to hate your work and feel dissatisfied. This can cause discontentment and stress in the workplace.

Steps to Improve Workplace Ergonomics

One of the biggest reasons employees feel uncomfortable and fatigued in the workplace is poor ergonomics. Ergonomics is the study of people in the workplace and aims to improve working conditions to maximize the employees' potential and produce the best results. Workplace ergonomics focuses on aligning tasks with the human body rather than the other way around to reduce fatigue and exertion. The less fatigued a person is, the lower the risks of injury and the better the person can perform in the workplace. It enhances work quality as well as efficiency as well as improves the overall performance of the company.

Here are ways to improve workplace ergonomics:

Ergonomic Seating

Seating in the office is extremely important. All office chairs must be comfortable and must have the following features:

It Should Have an Adjustable Height Feature

An adjustable height feature is extremely important. Users must be able to raise or lower the height of the chair for maximum comfort. Users must have their feet planted firmly and flat on the ground and not dangling above the ground, as this can be uncomfortable and painful for the lower back and legs. If the chair is meant to be shared by different users, they can easily adjust the height accordingly.

It Should Have a Swivel and Movable Function

An ergonomic chair must have wheels so that it is movable, and it must have a swivel function. This allows the user access to different parts of their desk and office so that they don't have to get up from their seat every time.

It Should Provide Adequate Lumbar and Back Support

Our spine is naturally S-shaped, and this is its neutral position. The S-shaped curve in our spine should be maintained, and therefore an ergonomic chair must provide adequate lumbar and back support to the spine. Users must not hunch their backs or bend them, or there can be spinal misalignments and postural problems.

It Should Have Comfortable Seats

Seats should be wide and comfortable enough with good quality fabric to provide the best comfort to its users. The fabric should be made with breathable material so that air can circulate within it and the user does not feel too hot. The seat size must be wide enough to accommodate the hips and thighs of the user completely.

It Should Have Arm Rests

Armrests must be on the seat to allow the users to rest their arms at ninety degrees. This prevents fatigue and discomfort on the arms, and therefore it is essential to have armrests provided on the office chairs

It May Have a Foot Rest and a Head Rest for Added Comfort

Footrests and headrests may be added to office chairs for added comfort and luxury when you want to take a break and put your feet up and relax.

Ergonomic Desks

Ergonomic desks are extremely important for use in the workplace. They should have the following features:

They should be wide enough to accommodate all your essential items

they should be sturdy and hold the weight of all your items, such as a monitor or monitor mount, printer, keyboard, and other office equipment

it should be easy to clean and must be long-lasting

Standing Desks

Standing desks are an ergonomic invention to encourage workers to get up from sitting all day long and work while standing. According to research, an average desk worker spends up to eight hours daily sitting. This has many negative health implications; therefore, it is recommended to invest in standing desks. Flexispot has an excellent range of standing desk options that you can get for your office.

Ergonomic Lighting

Adequate lighting is extremely important in the workplace. Working in dim light conditions can cause eye strain and neck and shoulder problems due to incorrect postures. Investing in ergonomic lighting in the workplace is important to ensure adequate lighting during work hours. Natural light is the best light to work in, and it is recommended to incorporate big windows. This brings in lots of natural daylight that is ideal for working in an office.

Cleanliness and Hygiene in the Workplace

Cleanliness and hygiene in the workplace are extremely important for the following reasons:

It Reduces the Risk of Disease

Offices that are thoroughly cleaned and maintained do not have mold, fungus, and dust that can cause illnesses and health problems in workers. Workplaces must be cleaned and maintained regularly as well as ventilated to prevent stuffiness and circulation of the same unhealthy air.

It Boosts Energy

A clean office space makes you feel happier and energized. Clean office spaces make you feel motivated to work and make you happier. Messy and dirty workplaces are exhausting and tiresome to look at.

It Keeps Everything Organized

A messy office space is disorganized and causes fewer disruptions. When things are kept in their place, it is easier to locate them and wastes less time.

The Final Word

Mental health and well-being are essential for everyone as it affects the way you think, act, and interact with your surroundings. Workplace ergonomics are essential for both physical and mental wellness. If you or someone you know suffers from mental health issues, they must seek help immediately.