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What Are Some Ways to Innovate A Boring Workplace?

25 October 2021

The image of office employees happily clicking or sorting away in their own immaculate cubicles has faded. Stress research, the desire for a work-life balance, and shifting perceptions toward modern office designs have all led us away from the conventional, harsh workplace. Traditional workplaces were set up in such a way that interpersonal communication was minimized. There was also a misconception that confining people was necessary for productivity and attentiveness.

Employees in 2020 will expect more autonomy. In fact, according to a poll of global office employees, about 70% of them work remotely at least one day each week. Remaining productive and motivated might be challenging, especially if you're sitting behind a desk at your home workspace with no one breathing down your neck or yelling about targets. Individuals who are dissatisfied and slack off more often have items surrounding their workplace structured makes it difficult for them to stay focused on their tasks for long durations.

Both millennials and Gen Zers like to work in more open areas, as long as quiet spots are available for when they need to concentrate. Flexibility and easy access to private spaces where they can focus is critical for this new generation of employees' success. Given these considerations, several businesses have abandoned standard office layouts in favor of updating their commercial space. For the classical architecture and unique sense of the facilities, hip and fashionable enterprises are moving in old companies. However, these factors alone can only go so far in ensuring that workplaces are functional. Here are some easy ways to improve your workplace and establish your ideal working environment.

Add Greenery

Add Greenery

In today's workspaces, biophilic design is a crucial component. It's also a great approach to combine an older office environment with modern design ideas. Plants on the floor and the desks will add a splash of color to the workplace. Hang a few pots of non-flowering plants around the workplace if possible. Plants are known for balancing moods, brightening the color palette, and even purifying the air.

Let Natural Light In

Let Natural Light In

Natural light has been demonstrated in studies to boost employee satisfaction significantly. Workspaces with natural daylight have higher indoor lighting and can assist employees with eyesight difficulties and migraines. This entails purchasing large or wall-sized glass windows with natural sunlight and providing panoramic vistas of bustling outside activities. Install blinds to lessen glare while allowing natural light to pass through at particular times of the day. Large or bulky furniture that can block sunlight should be avoided, and office equipment should be placed strategically.

Prioritize Comfort

Prioritize Comfort

Outdated workspaces don't have an excellent reputation for being pleasant to work in. That stigma is broken by emphasizing comfort in the workplace. Invest in comfortable furniture, flexible standing workstations, and relaxed work settings where employees may unwind. Few specific design components may offer a modern touch like comfort.

Sitting in the proper posture not only keeps you healthy but also allows you to sit in the same position for extended periods without fidgeting or needing to extend your body. A decent ergonomic office chair will follow the natural curvature of your spine, give lumbar support, and be fully adaptable to fit your size and demands.

For more ergonomic solutions, you may click here!

Open Up Spaces

Open Up Spaces

Physically restrictive and dividing workplace arrangements would make it impossible to promote interaction in modern workplaces. The new generation of employees appears to dislike 'corporate' environments, preferring an accessible environment that stimulates innovative thinking and unfettered idea flows. Say goodbye to cubicles in favor of open floor plans with coworking spaces, outdoor meeting spaces, comfy seats, and locations where employees may stroll or climb to rest, exercise, or de-stress.

Have Some Color

Have Some Color

A layout that is drab, uninteresting, and monochrome does not promote innovation or productivity. If you want to stay on top of things, you have to feel comfortable, which you may attain by incorporating vibrant colors and freshening up your surroundings. A new carpet, a fresh coat of paint on your side tables and drawers, and painting an intriguing pattern on your workstation and drawers can all work with you to create a delightful workplace where you can spend hours daily without feeling trapped or miserable.

Consider Flexible Seating and Hot Desks

Consider Flexible Seating and Hot Desks

Employees don't have a fixed allotted spot in this office design concept; instead, they get a workplace on a first-come, first-served approach. All you have to do now is make sure there will be enough workstations or storage units for everyone. If there are enough seats, comfy chairs, or recliners, unconventional seating, including the no-desk practice, is possible. Alternative sitting or working solutions, such as standing desks, should also be available for employees to use as needed.

Add the Power of Tech

Add the Power of Tech

Rolling out technological updates is the quickest method to make a workplace look sophisticated. Televisions and big screens put on the wall make a remarkable statement. The nature of the area might be influenced by a laptop or tablet charging dock. Digital navigation is both functional and enticing on a larger scale.

When staring at the screen, your monitor must be at eye level so that you would keep your neck and spine straight. It's advisable to purchase a USB keyboard and a laptop riser if you're using one. There are a variety of appropriate foundations for this, but a pile of books will suffice.

Several inexpensive webcams come with a portable stand, and compact, flexible webcam supports are also available for a cheap cost. They let you put your webcam in any angle you choose, so you shouldn't have to crouch over or fiddle with the lighting to obtain a good shot.

Employers increasingly recognize the importance of work-life balance to their employees' satisfaction. They also understand how comfort, contentment, and plain old job satisfaction affect the bottom line. Furthermore, delivering the benefits of a fun workplace atmosphere aids in team member engagement.