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Top Benefits of Ergonomic Lighting

03 August 2023

The term "ergonomics" is typically associated with furniture—keyboards, chairs, desks, and other items—that alter our posture, and with companies who advertise their products with phrases like "lumbar support" and "minimizing muscle strain." A workspace, however, is more than that.

When performing duties in the office, lighting ergonomics is also as crucial as furniture ergonomics. Having the right illumination can make jobs easier to complete by reducing headaches and eye fatigue.

The prevention of computer vision syndrome (CVS), a form of eye strain that develops when you use a computer for an extended period of time, is especially possible with excellent lighting ergonomics. CVS signs consist of:

Double vision and blurry vision

Eye discomfort



Neck and back discomfort

Your workplace's lighting conditions can have a big impact on how productive you are. Notably, the sort of lighting you require depends on the kind of work you're doing and where your computer is—each worker has different lighting needs. Therefore, it's crucial to customize your workstation to meet your specific requirements.

Top Benefits of Ergonomic Lighting

Employers are giving employee health and wellbeing more attention as the workplace develops. In order for employees to perform at their best, they are always looking for new ways to uplift their teams and foster the greatest work environments.

Flexible lighting systems that can accommodate the dynamic nature of the contemporary office setting are also required for the workplace of today. While allowing employees the choice to place their light sources however they feel most comfortable, lighting plan continues to advance toward higher energy efficiency. Adjustable light sources can give important advantages for individual workstations, according to recent study on task lighting.

Proper lighting facilitates all labor processes, whether in an industrial or office context. The visual sense accounts for around 85% of human information intake. In addition to reducing eye strain and headaches, proper lighting helps minimize workplace accidents by making various safety risks, such as moving machinery, more visible. In addition, good office lighting does not cast any shadows or glare; therefore, events and injuries pertaining to "momentary blindness" are less likely with high-quality lighting.

A decent office must consider the vital aspect of lighting in order to create a productive and comfortable work atmosphere. We receive approximately 80% of our data and information through our sense of sight, and in an office, we frequently spend the majority of our time squinting against our laptops and notes. Plus, a growing number of workers are experiencing CVS, which has symptoms like:

Dry eyes


Dull vision,

Sensitivity to light

Back, neck. And shoulder discomfort

Swollen, red, or pink eyes and eye pain

Squinting and eyestrain can result from inadequate lighting, and employees may have trouble seeing when computer screens are washed out by excessively bright lighting. Making poor lighting decisions might make your employees feel exhausted and agitated while performing their daily tasks, which will lower their general productivity and energy levels and increase the likelihood of mistakes and accidents. It will assist to think about ergonomic lighting.

When choosing lighting for your employees, make sure that you keep flexibility in mind. Not only can you increase their satisfaction, but you can also meet their specific demands, such as varying the lighting requirements for paper and computers and taking into account the needs of older personnel. An older employee may require more light than a younger employee to read papers or to work on a particular task because vision declines with age.

Enhanced Performance

Productivity rises along with comfort and health improvements. Eye strain and insufficient lighting are two of the most common issues brought up by desk-based professionals. These problems can be mitigated, and in some cases even eliminated, using task lighting. Employees can personalize their workstations with task lighting so that it provides the best possible illumination for each task being carried out.

Health and Lighting Ergonomics

Workday lighting requirements can vary depending on the task. Cell phones, computer displays, laptops, and tablets with backlit screens are among the devices that many individuals find to constantly demand their visual attention. However, reading written or printed materials is still necessary. The amount of light required for these two tasks is very different.

When used in addition to overhead or natural lighting, task lights allow people to adjust the amount of light at their desks to best suit their own needs. They are able to incorporate better lighting into their daily lives, which enhances comfort and vision at work. Additionally, task lighting lessens job tiredness.

Task lighting enables the modification of light to suit maturity levels as well, as individual lighting demands change with age. For example, most persons in their 60s need 250 percent more contrast to examine the same paperwork than those in their 20s.

Luminous Lights

It may be challenging to properly see or read at work while you are working on a task if bright lights are flashing all around your computer screen. The following suggestions will help you protect your eyes and make your working environment better:

You can either have part of the fluorescent lights over your work area removed or turned off

Limit the brightness around your display and use task lighting to highlight reading and writing jobs

To lessen or get rid of glare on your screen, use glare shields

Overly Bright Background

The contrast that is created on your screen by excessive background illumination can damage your eyes. Here's what you can do:

Position your screen so that light sources are perpendicular to the display

Block the light by covering the windows with curtains or drapes

Mirrored Light

The glare that results from reflected light from walls, keyboards, or overhead lights can make it difficult for you to see your screen. The following are potential remedies for reflected light:

Tilt your monitor downward to shield your PC from the reflected light

Use a keyboard with a matte finish

Ergonomic Dual-Source Lighting

Dual source lighting refers to the use of task and overhead lighting simultaneously. You can support individualizing your worker's demands according to their preference and station by providing a universal source of light while allowing your employees the autonomy of things like desk lamps.

For instance, a lot of employees must alternate between using a computer monitor and printed documentation. However, compared to a monitor, paper requires significantly higher lighting. By using a task light, the worker may change the lighting as needed, focusing their desk lamps on their documents while using general illumination for their displays. This reduces eyestrain because they always have the right amount and source of light.

Dual source lighting can help you save money while reducing your environmental impact. Employing conscientious employees may enable you to reduce the requirement for unnecessary overhead lights even when it is unnecessary, which has the added benefit of improving lighting ergonomics.

Insufficient Lighting at Work

Proper illumination is essential for preventing worker injuries in practically every business. In particular, bad lighting can result in the following exposures:

Occupational Issues

Employee Error

Chances of tripping

Ergonomic problems

Employees may have to adopt uncomfortable positions to see their work better in low lighting.

Employee Error

Errors made by employees are more likely in poor lighting. A small error when using potentially harmful tools can result in severe injuries.

Risks of Tripping

Your employees could sustain significant injuries as a result of trips, falls, and slips caused by poor lighting. Maintaining ambient light levels will safeguard your personnel from accidents caused by inadequate illumination. Employers can provide task lighting to get rid of unwanted shadows. Consider painting the walls and flooring a bright color to boost light reflection to further secure the security of your employees.

Task lighting is not created equal. Light quality, light footprint, and flexibility are three crucial characteristics that should receive top priority consideration when selecting an energy-efficient task light.

The color rendering index of an LED task light should be 90 or higher. This will allow a better vision and color quality. An LED light's proper design will reduce glare and ocular vision and it will produce a consistent light footprint, which will only cast one shadow. The comfort of your eyes will be much improved by a task light that only creates one shadow.

Final Thoughts

The wellbeing of employees can be significantly enhanced by ergonomic lighting in the workplace. Proper illumination helps to increase workplace productivity, health, and safety while reducing stress and suffering on the eyes.

Moreover, you can reduce your environmental impact by utilizing an ergonomic lamp. You can cut back on the requirement for excessive overhead lighting by installing durable ergonomic lighting at your desk. If you need more light at your workplace, the Black Metal Table Lamp by Flexispot is the ideal work lamp. Thanks to its LED light, this lamp consumes less energy than a standard light and fits nicely over the desk and beside your display screen. This gives you the right ergonomic illumination and keeps your desk tidy while consuming less energy and reducing computer glare.