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The Importance of Color in Office Design

18 November 2022

In recent years, office design has taken a more people-driven approach, and there now is a large emphasis on how the workplace makes employees feel. A great deal of thought should go into planning your office's overall color scheme and design. After all, the average worker spends at least half of their day in the office.

Keeping that in mind, the office space should be aesthetically pleasing and conducive to employee efficiency. This article will discuss the importance of color in office design and the psychological impact color has on employees.

Importance of Color in the Office

Imagine an office where the walls are completely gray and absent of color; would you enjoy working in such a place for nearly eight hours a day?

Our natural human instinct is to be attracted to colors because they impact our moods in a plethora of ways. They can affect everything from our general mood to our efficiency and well-being in the workplace. Therefore, employers should put tons of thought into their office design to maximize employee efficiency and productivity.

There are a lot of reasons why employers should choose the right color for their office design. These include the following:

They Affect Employee's Moods

Research shows that offices with a bland color scheme, such as one with white, gray, or beige walls, tend to make employees sad. These colors enhance depression in sadness in workers, especially females.

Colors Affect Performance

When our moods are negatively impacted by color, so is our performance. Not to mention, there are some colors that are proven to cause a negative impact on our work performance. For example, a study shows that the use of the color red before an exam resulted in students scoring lower than other test subjects in the study.

They Enhance Focus and Collaboration

Some colors are designed to enhance focus, creativity, and collaboration. When leveraged the right way in an office design, they can have a considerable impact on employee performance, making them work together better. When they are more focused, they will also achieve their targets.

Incorporating Color in Office Design

Office designers are actually aware that color impacts the overall mood and productivity of employees. However, it is often not as simple as putting a coat of certain paint on the walls. You must also understand how the color will flow with the furniture design, lighting, textures, and company culture.

The key is to not find a calming and energizing color; it is rather to find a color that creates a comfortable space and one that enhances their productivity. It should also be a place that the employees enjoy. The last thing you want is for your employees to wake up in the morning and dread going to a boring and bland office.

So, how can you achieve all of this? The answer is through leveraging color psychology. Different colors have a unique impact on our productivity and mood. Here is what you need to know about each of the colors you should consider when redesigning your office:


This is a color that is closest to nature, which is why it resonates with peacefulness and tranquility. In many ways, having green in the office will bring us back to nature and cause calming effects on us. You can incorporate the green color in various ways.

For example, you can add plants in different areas of the office, such as at your work desks. Plants have become a popular trend in most offices because they make the space fresher and help employees remain calm.

Besides this, you should consider painting the walls of the break room this color. This will make that room a sort of escape for the employees where they can relax to take a break from work.


This is yet another color that is associated with tranquility and calmness. Due to this, and because the color greatly impacts our productivity, it is commonly used in offices. In fact, most open-plan offices tend to incorporate blue.

Since blue is also the color of the sky, it tends to have a soothing, refreshing, and calming effect on us. This serene color is also perfect for offices where employees may frequently feel stressed. It is also the ideal choice for the doctor's offices since that is where nervous patients frequent.


You might have seen hints of red in most offices. This is because the color has a natural ability to energize you and spark creativity, which is why it works great in offices. It is also very eye-catching, so most offices add these in front desks or waiting areas. However, too much of this color can have a disastrous effect.

This is because the color can very easily stress you out and make you nervous, increase your breathing and heart rate, and create a negative feeling. Hence, you should not color your walls red but rather use this color sparingly. Perhaps add accents of red, such as in the furniture or paintings.


White is a common color for offices and is the easiest one to pull off in an office design without making any errors. The color can truly help create a light and spacious office. However, when you are painting the walls white, it is highly recommended to add strong accent colors like red.

Doing so will help balance out the office design so that it is energizing and not too bland and boring for your employees. White is always a good option, and there is a wonderful choice of décor that you can pair it with. Hence, consider white if you are looking for a safe color that you can use in conjunction with accent colors.


Yellow is positive, bright, and exhilarating. It reminds people of the sun, which is why it is an energizing color. The warm color stimulates your spirit and enhances your imagination and creativity. However, much like red, yellow should also be used sparingly.

The color can often make people anxious and on edge. Hence, it might make your employees break out in arguments if you have too much yellow around. Consider adding accents of yellow through décor pieces and paintings.


This is not typically a common color for offices. However, most professionals and individuals with higher positions tend to design their office space in black. This is because the color naturally exudes confidence, elegance, and superiority.

When used in the right way in conjunction with good accent pieces, a black office space will resonate with authority and make the office quite mysterious. However, you should not use too much of this color since it can lead to the office being too sinister and intimidating.


Though brown may have the same darkness as black, it is much friendlier. For instance, the color reminds one of the earth and nature. It can easily exude confidence, strength, and power while simultaneously being approachable.

Not to mention, the color can be efficiently incorporated into the office design through wooden office furniture. For example, FlexiSpot's AlcoveRiser Bamboo Standing Desk Converters are popular choices for the office. They not only have an excellent color scheme but are also flexible and versatile in the office.

You can convert these into standing desks, and this will enhance your employee's motivation, productivity, and health.


These are also known as the colors of spring and so are associated with lightness, happiness, and serenity. Pastel colors have vibrancy mixed with white, which reduces their overpowering abilities. Hence, they are a good choice to incorporate into the office design.

Some common pastel colors for the office include baby pink, lavender, baby blue, and mint green. These all work great as accent colors in a white office since they can also create a calming and relaxing space.


Though not typically a popular color for offices, pink is still a good choice if you want to have a space that is nurturing. The color radiates hope, femininity, and romance. Hence, if that's the vibe you want to go to within the office, you should certainly consider this color.

The color has such a natural tendency to relax people that it is often used in prisons to keep prisoners calm as well. However, just like red, pink can sometimes be overpowering. Therefore, your office should use it sparingly as an accent color.

Final Words

Whether you are creating an office for your employees or designing your home office, you should certainly put some thought into the color scheme. This can help in many ways in the long run.

Whichever color you choose, you can use the converting desk from FlexiSpot as an accent color. It is not just a calming addition to your office but also very practical since it allows you to switch between standing and sitting positions while working.