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Suggestions for Creating a Cozy Cubicle

27 July 2022

Is the environment that you work in beneficial to you? Do you feel energized and eager to succeed while you're there? Is it a welcoming and relaxing environment? If not, you can enhance it by using studies from a little-known field of psychology.

Environmental psychologists research how individuals interact with their surroundings. We look at the psychological effects of sensory experiences, such as how colors affect people's lives, what kinds of furniture work best in certain contexts, and our connection with nature, among other things. What we've discovered may assist you in creating a work environment that brings joy, peace, and results in productivity –a place where you can do your best work.

Here is how to make your cubicle feel more like home.

Inspirational Art Will Help

Inspirational Art Will Help

If you haven’t put art up in your cubicle already, you should know that adding soothing and tranquil art on the walls can help improve mood and motivation. You can keep a clean and professional appearance while ensuring that your cubicle offers warmth and individuality.

If inspirational art is not your style, go for artwork that sparks joy in you! Add artwork of shows that you enjoy, some small figurines, or your kid’s paintings. If you are an artist, go for it and showcase your work.

Invest in a Stylish Standing Desk

Invest in a Stylish Standing Desk

A sleek standing desk can be a great and functional piece to add to your cubicle. The height-adjustable features make it easier to take care of ergonomics. Standing desks are also known to decrease back, neck, and shoulder pain. When you aren’t complaining about body pains from sitting too long, you will definitely be more comfortable at work!

The Willow Standing Desk is made from sustainable materials that give it a classic look, allowing it to go with any office aesthetic. The solid wood desktop adds a greener and natural vibe to the place that can make the cubicle more inviting.

Bring More Green!

Bring More Green!

Include a plant! Find some plants that can thrive in indoor settings without daylight (we personally adore the Snake plant and ZZ plant for office environments), or simply purchase a fake if you have trouble keeping a plant alive. If you have a window that gets plenty of sunlight, try a small cactus. Plants and greenery are a cost-effective and quick way to enhance the liveliness and warmth of any particular place.

Make Decorations Out of Everyday Items

Make Decorations Out of Everyday Items

The solution to your workplace cubicle design woes might be right in front of your eyes! This concept represents the ideal blend of shape and function.

Isn't it time to clean out the drawers of anything that may pass for "cubicle art"? We're talking about utilizing cubicle hooks to hang your files, markers, tape, a photo, pen holders, pets, and post-its on the cubicle wall.

This style of decor will not only encourage creativity but will also keep common objects within easy reach. It's critical from an organizational sense that just about everything will have its own area. However, if you have ever run out of space, add more hooks on the cubicle walls to add more items.

Bring in Some of Your Own Personal Touches

Bring in Some of Your Own Personal Touches

Why not make your office your workplace? You spend that much time there. Many individuals do this by putting items that remind them of their family, friends, and life outside of work. Consider fresh flowers, a child's artwork, a priceless memento, a print of your greatest motivating quote, or a family photo.

Bringing a few personal objects to your cubicle may transform it from a dull, antiseptic environment to a joyful –even inspirational– one. When passers-by, whether job applicants, customers, or vendors, take note and commend you, you know you've done something great.

Try Aromatherapy

Try Aromatherapy

A beautiful fragrance can totally definitely affect mood and motivation in the working environment, whether it's from your favorite candle or essential oils.

Are you aware that out of all 5 senses, the smell is the most powerful in influencing brain activity? Lighting up a delicious fragrance or using essential oils can definitely make your cubicle feel cozier and result in greater productivity. Sounds like a win-win situation!

Sit in A Way That Protects Your Back

Sit in A Way That Protects Your Back

It's tough to concentrate on the work at hand when you're seated in an unpleasant office chair, no matter how well-organized your desk is or how colorful your cubicle walls are. A comfortable and ergonomic chair is one item of office furniture which is absolutely worth spending a little money on.

Not only should the chair be comfy, but it should also provide enough lumbar support, adjustable armrests, a mesh back to keep you cool, and recline adjustability features. It's also important to check that your chair's height is flexible and that it can rotate.

Add a Few Simple Cubicle Add-Ons

Add a Few Simple Cubicle Add-Ons

When talking about cubicle décor, accessories are essential since they give both flair and utility.

Coat hangers, for example, will provide you with room to hang scarves and coats. Hanging filing bins on the wall allows you to clear up the room on your desk. Making eye-catching office supply storage bins for staples and paperclips can make your life simpler and your work area more organized.

Making eye-catching office supply storage bins for staples and paperclips can make your life simpler and your work area more organized. If you get great pleasure from seeing everything in its proper place, the FlexiSpot Filing Cabinet can be precisely what you need.

Keeping your desk organized and clean can also help make it feel cozier. A messy desk can lead to a cluttered approach to your work and make it harder to stay productive. A clean space allows you to work quickly and efficiently.

Cables Should Be Hidden

Cables Should Be Hidden

Having a workstation covered with cords and connections makes the job in a cubicle even more difficult. Cables are infamous for becoming tangled and obstructing workflow, particularly in smaller offices. But don't worry; we've got you covered with some fantastic cable management choices.

Cable management devices like cable tidies, hooks, and cable tapes are just a few of the many solutions available to hide your essential equipment. These are low-cost items that will tidy any workplace and complement a minimalist aesthetic.

When it comes to cable management, the best option is to temporarily disconnect everything and then reorganize your desk as desired. After you've finished setting up your workstation, begin reconnecting the connections one by one. Make careful to knot, bind, and clip the wires in the cleanest, most efficient manner possible as you put them in.

Change Up the Lighting

Change Up the Lighting

Accent lights can help create a more relaxed environment, so opt for those instead of overhead lighting. If you don't have enough room for an accent or floor lamp, you should replace your overhead lighting with warmer lights like Edison bulbs or install a distinctive overhead light fixture.

Make sure to install the light in such a way that it doesn’t result in a glare across your screen. This is important if you want to avoid straining your eyes unnecessarily. So, try to put the light on the sides or behind the monitor. If the light falls straight onto the screen, it can make it harder for you to work on it.

Create a Work Playlist

Create a Work Playlist

Spotify features a plethora of playlists dedicated to various moods. Whether it's a playlist for a rainy day, an autumn day, or a morning rush mix, the possibilities are unlimited. Find one that helps you feel both productive and calm. For more focused work, some people even like to play upbeat music to keep themselves energetic and get the work done quickly. Try different playlists and see what works best for you.

In Conclusion

We spend endless hours at work, so we deserve a space that makes us feel cozier and comfortable when we are working. It can get harder to work if we don’t feel like the space is conducive to our work. These tips for decorating your office cubicle can help make the work environment better so that you can work without worries.

FlexiSpot offers amazing products that can help enhance your office environment. Taking care of ergonomics in your office is crucial if you want to be productive and physically fit. Every piece of office equipment designed by FlexiSpot takes your health and the science of ergonomics into consideration. You can rest assure that investing in this will definitely improve your workflow.