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Studying - A Challenge for Night Owls

31 May 2023

You must have heard a million reasons why you should be up at the crack of dawn; it's the best time to study, you can use your day well, you can get the most out of your day, and so on. But what if you find it easier to stay up late at night and wake up groggy and sluggish in the mornings? Studying during this time seems like a challenge to many people who don't know how to start.

What is a Night Owl?

Some people are naturally night owls. They stay up late and wake up later than usual. This often interferes with their school or work schedule, as they can stay productive until the early morning hours.

Night owls are often highly creative and analytical thinkers, making them well-suited for problem-solving and night shift work.

What Makes One a Night Owl?

Several factors can contribute to a person's natural tendency to be a night owl. Genetics, age, lifestyle habits, and circadian rhythms all play a role in determining whether someone is a night owl or an early bird.


Genes are likely involved in the development of being a night owl. Some studies have shown that people with certain gene variants stay up later than their peers. One gene that appears to have some influence is the PER3 gene, which regulates our circadian rhythms and affects how we sleep. People with certain variations of this gene tend to stay up later than those without it.


It's also believed that age plays a role in whether or not someone is a night owl. Studies show that teenagers and younger adults are more likely to be night owls than older adults because their bodies produce melatonin (the hormone responsible for helping us sleep) later at night. This means they're less tired earlier in the evening and tend to stay up late.

Lifestyle Habits

Our lifestyle habits can also play a part in making us night owls or early birds. People who regularly stay up late, like night shift workers or those who spend a lot of time on their phones and computers, are more likely to become night owls. Similarly, people who get up early and go to bed at regular times each day tend to be early birds.

Circadian Rhythms

Circadian rhythms can influence whether we're night owls or early birds. Circadian rhythms are 24-hour biological cycles that tell our bodies when it's time to sleep and when it's time to be awake. Everyone has their unique rhythm, so depending on how your body is wired, you may naturally stay up late or wake up early, regardless of any lifestyle habits or external factors.

The Downsides of Being a Night Owl

Being a night owl can have some downsides. Here are a few common problems they face.

Sleep Deprivation

Since night owls struggle to match their routines with others, they are often deprived of sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to tiredness, irritability and lack of concentration. Night owls may also find it difficult to fall asleep simultaneously as other people, which can cause tension in relationships.

Difficulty With Studying

Night owls often have difficulty studying during conventional school hours because they are not well-rested and alert. This can lead to lower grades or missed classes, affecting their future prospects. Additionally, night owls often don't have enough time for all their homework due to staying up late.

Difficulty Adjusting to a Normal Schedule

Another potential downside of being a night owl is that adjusting your lifestyle and routine can be challenging when you need to meet regular commitments during the day. This could mean waking up early for work or school, even if you are more alert at night.

What Does It Mean to Be a Night Owl?

Being a night owl can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, they tend to think more deeply and creatively while still being able to focus on tasks until the early hours of the morning. However, this can sometimes interfere with their daily lives due to their natural propensity for staying up late. Night owls may struggle to get enough restful sleep, leading to fatigue, grogginess, irritability, and difficulty concentrating during the day.

Overall, being a night owl is about understanding your body's needs and honoring them by making lifestyle choices that support your circadian rhythm. You can make the most of your night owl status with the right balance of healthy habits and restful sleep.

Can Night Owls Become Early Birds?

If being a night owl is disrupting your life or causing you to miss out on valuable opportunities, there are ways to shift your internal clock. The first step is developing a regular sleep schedule and sticking to it as much as possible. It could also be helpful to expose yourself to bright light in the morning and avoid any caffeine after 2 PM. Lastly, regular exercise and a healthy eating routine can help you transition from night owl to early bird.

By making small changes in these areas, night owls can become early birds and experience the benefits that come with them. Such benefits include higher productivity during the day, improved concentration, and better overall physical health. With patience and dedication, night owls can transition to becoming early birds and enjoy a better quality of life.

Tips to Study as a Night Owl

If you have tried and tested all methods to re-adjust your sleep cycle, and you still find yourself struggling to study during the daytime, here are some tips you can use to study as a night owl:

Schedule for Study Late at Night

Create a study schedule that fits your night owl lifestyle. Set aside time each day for late-night studying and review the material regularly to keep the information fresh in your memory. Start by determining how much time you need to devote to studying.

Consider the type of material, the amount of notes you have, and what else needs to be done during the day that might interfere with your study session. Once you estimate how much time is needed for studying each night, set aside an appropriate amount of hours within your daily schedule.

Choose a quiet place in your home with minimal distractions. Make sure this spot is away from noises such as television or loud music. Having a designated spot just for studying can help keep you focused; it may also encourage others in your home to stay away while trying to concentrate on assignments or lectures. Additionally, if possible, try not to study in your bedroom or where you typically rest since this may interfere with getting proper sleep and relaxation.

Prepare a Study Environment

Create an environment conducive to studying late at night by removing distractions and providing yourself with things you may need, such as snacks, energy drinks, or even music. Ensure the environment has good lighting, is comfortable and free of noise so you can concentrate better.

Know Your Limit

Don't push yourself too hard if you're feeling tired after staying up all night studying. Take regular breaks every hour or two to keep your concentration levels up, and take power naps if necessary. Also, make sure to get enough sleep before staying up late for exams, as lack of sleep can affect your performance badly.


Make sure you stay organized by keeping up with your notes and any reference material. It is also helpful to jot down important points, making it easier for you to review later. Additionally, break up large assignments into smaller tasks that can be tackled easily within a single night so that studying does not become overwhelming.

Reward Yourself

It's important to reward yourself for successfully completing all the study sessions to stay motivated. Allow yourself small treats like a snack or watching an episode of your favorite show if you complete all the goals for the night. Additionally, try not to beat yourself up if things don't go as planned; take some time off and start again the next day.

Find Your Optimal Time for Studying

Figure out the best time for you to study late at night. Some people prefer studying late into the night, while others may find it more productive to start earlier in the evening. Find what works best for you and stick with it.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking water helps maintain focus, discourages sleepiness, and keeps the body refreshed. Make sure to stay hydrated throughout the night by keeping a bottle of water nearby or taking regular breaks for a glass of water.

Use Ergonomic Furniture

Use ergonomic furniture such as an adjustable chair to prevent stiff neck, backache, and general fatigue while studying late at night. Investing in ergonomic furniture can be beneficial for long-term study sessions without any physical discomfort.

Light Mesh Office Chair OC2

As a student, you will likely spend a considerable portion of your day at your desk. It is crucial to have a comfortable and ergonomic chair adjustable for different working positions and tasks. The Light Mesh Office Chair OC2 is perfect for all kinds of desk work and provides the necessary support to stay comfortable when studying.

The OC2 is designed with comfort in mind, boasting a soft and highly-dense foam seat wrapped in resilient breathable mesh fabric. Its excellent elasticity prevents deformation, allowing you to enjoy superior luxury for extended periods.

Crafted with precision, the chair's webbing conforms to your spine for superior comfort. In addition, lumbar support and specially-placed memory foam help reinforce an optimal 'S' shape of your spinal column.

Final Thoughts

Staying up late to study can be challenging, particularly for those not used to it. Yet, with the right preparation and organization, night owls can stay awake and productive in their studies. Finding a comfortable and ergonomic chair is also important as it helps you stay focused on studying without any physical discomfort.

Although studying late at night might pose some challenges for night owls, being well-prepared and taking regular breaks can help make the process much more manageable. Additionally, having ergonomic furniture such as the Light Mesh Office Chair OC2 helps ensure you have the support needed for extended periods.