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Practical Ways To Balance Your Day Job And Side Hustles

25 October 2022

It's no secret that the workforce has changed dramatically in recent years. With so many people searching for alternative ways to make money, it's no wonder that side hustles have become so popular. In fact, according to a 2017 report, about 44 million Americans have at least one side hustle. And this number is only expected to grow in the coming years.

There are several reasons why people are turning to side hustles. For one, traditional jobs often offer little in the way of flexibility or fulfillment. This is especially true for millennials and Gen Zers, who are constantly looking for more creative and meaningful ways to earn money.

What's more, many young people today are saddled with student debt and have big dreams and goals that make it difficult to save up enough money from just one job. Also, they are more likely than older generations to value flexibility and creativity over financial stability.

Young people today are always looking for ways to create their schedules and work on their own terms while doing something they care about that aligns with their values.

However, while having a day job and pursuing your side hustle(s) is definitely a step in the right direction, finding the right balance between them can be tricky. But it's definitely doable with some creativity and planning.

In this article, We’ll talk about at least eight practical ideas on how to balance your time and responsibilities so that you can achieve success in both areas of your life while avoiding burnout, amongst other pitfalls of extending your body and mind beyond their capacity.

Side Hustle Success Starts With Passion.

Side Hustle Success Starts With Passion.

“Simply put, passion is the fuel that powers side hustle success.”

While there's no one guaranteed path to side hustle success, passion is a key ingredient. It shows in your work when you're passionate about what you're doing–you're able to put in the extra effort required to make your business a success. You can persevere through the inevitable challenges and setbacks even when the going gets tough. Not only that, but your passion is also contagious. It's what gets people excited about your business and keeps them coming back for more.

Start by figuring out your interests and see if there's a way to monetize them. There are plenty of online courses and resources that can help you get started. Just remember to be patient and take things one step at a time. Once you've found your niche, go all in and give it your all.

However, don't be fooled that this process is easy. Getting off the ground takes hard work, dedication, research, and plenty of time and effort. You also need to have a clear vision for your project and set achievable goals to make your dream a reality.

Health Over Wealth

Health Over Wealth

“It's important to remember that your health is more important than any amount of money.”

While it's important to focus on wealth-building, prioritizing your health is also crucial. After all, what good is amassing a fortune if you don’t live long enough to enjoy it?

When we're trying to balance a job and a side hustle, it's easy to let our health fall by the wayside. We may skimp on exercise, eat unhealthy meals on the go, and spend long hours sitting at a desk. The demands of work can have a significant impact on our physical and mental health.

Fortunately, there are things we can do to prevent the harmful effects of a job-side hustle balancing act.

1. Exercise: Yes, it can be hard to find the time, but even 30 minutes of activity each day can make a big difference. If you can't squeeze in a full workout, try breaking it up into smaller chunks throughout the day - for example, 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunchtime, and 10 minutes in the evening. And if you can't find the time for a formal workout, try fitting some activity into your day-to-day routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to lunch instead of driving, or park further away from your destination. Keeping your body active will help you manage stress, boost energy levels, and improve your overall mood. Plus, regular exercise has many other benefits, like reducing your heart disease, stroke, and diabetes risk.

2. Make sure your workplace is as ergonomic as possible. This is particularly true if you have a side hustle that involves a lot of office work. By making some simple adjustments, you can improve your productivity and prevent health issues associated with the sedentary lifestyle of office work. For instance, if your side hustle involves a lot of sitting, make sure to take breaks often and move around as much as possible. And if you can swing it, invest in a standing desk or an under-the-desk treadmill to sneak in some extra steps throughout the day. Also, since sitting is something you cannot avoid entirely, make sure to invest in a quality ergonomic office chair that provides proper support for your back and neck. This can help prevent things like back pain, neck strain, and other aches, which can be extremely debilitating.

3. Second, eat healthy meals and snacks. It can be tempting to reach for processed foods when you're short on time, but fueling your body with nutritious foods will give you more energy and help you stay focused throughout the day. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.

4. Learn to recognize the signs of exhaustion. If you're constantly feeling tired, lightheaded, or irritable, it's time to slow down and take a break. Taking some quality relaxing time for yourself - even if it's just a few minutes each day can make a world of difference. And be sure to get plenty of rest! A good night's sleep is crucial for our physical and mental health. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

Don't wait until you're at your wit's end before taking some time off. Make self-care and relaxation a priority, and recharge your batteries regularly. Your job will still be there when you get back.

Make A Schedule And Stick To It

Make A Schedule And Stick To It

“Proper Time Management”

Depending on your work schedule, you might only have a limited amount of time to dedicate to your side hustle. And if you're not careful, it can be easy to let your side gig take a backseat to your full-time job. One way to help strike a balance is to set some ground rules for yourself and stick to them. Dedicate certain days or hours of the week to your side hustle, and make sure you treat it like a real job. That means setting aside time for things like marketing, networking, and product development.

Finding a system and schedule that works for you is also vital. For some people, that might mean getting up an hour early to work on their side hustle before heading into the office. Others might dedicate specific days or nights of the week to their side hustle. No matter what approach you take, there are a few essential things to keep in mind.

First, start by evaluating how much time you have each day since it can be easy to overestimate the amount of time available after work or on weekends. Be realistic about how much time you can dedicate to your side hustle. 1- 2 hours will work during the starting stages of the project

Second, prioritize your time and energy. Not every task is equally important, so start by focusing on the tasks that are most critical to your success. Once you know when you can fit in your side gig, block out that time in your schedule and treat it like any other appointment.

It is also important to set realistic goals for yourself. If you only have a few hours a week to devote to your side hustle, don’t try to accomplish too much. Focus on one or two tasks and save the rest for another week.

Finally, sometimes be flexible and willing to adjust your schedule as needed. Life happens, and there will be times when you have to miss a scheduled work session. Don’t beat yourself up; just pick up where you left off the next time you have some free time.

Making the Most of Your Time

Making the Most of Your Time

“Finding Time”

Take advantage of your weekends and time off. Instead of vegging out in front of the television or sleeping in, use that time to do some constructive work on your side hustle. This might mean working on marketing, research, or even getting some hands-on experience with your product or service. This will help you be more productive and efficient.

Second, take advantage of any downtime, such as your lunch break or the commute you have at your day job, to learn new skills that could help you with your side gig. This could include reading articles, watching tutorials, or taking online courses. For example, if you have a few minutes here and there during the day, use them to learn about a social media marketing or search engine optimization.

If you're constantly learning and looking for ways to improve, you'll be sure to make the most of your time - no matter how limited it may be.

Delegate And Get More Done

Delegate And Get More Done

Don't be shy to ask for Help.

Any successful entrepreneur will tell you that delegation is key to achieving big things. When you’re trying to manage a side hustle, it can be tempting to try to do everything yourself to save money. However, this is often not the most effective use of your time or energy. In order to succeed, it’s important to delegate tasks whenever possible. This doesn’t mean that you need to hire a team of employees – there are plenty of ways to delegate tasks without breaking the bank. For example, you could reach out to friends and family members for help with specific tasks or hire freelance contractors on a per-project basis. The important thing is to identify the areas where you need assistance and find people who can help you fill those gaps. This can be someone who helps with administrative tasks, customer service, or even social media marketing.

Delegation may require an initial investment of time and energy, but it will pay off in the long run by freeing up your schedule and allowing you to focus on the most critical aspects of your business like revenue generation; it will also help to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.

In addition, by delegating tasks, you can also create a more streamlined workflow and avoid burnout.

Take Advantage of Technology.

Take Advantage of Technology.


Whether you're looking to create a website, start an online store, schedule appointments, market your services or simply need a way to manage your finances, there's a tool out there that can help. And the best part is that many of these tools are either free or affordable. For example, WordPress is an excellent platform for starting a website, and Shopify is perfect for creating an online store.

Conference calling and online meeting tools like Skype and Zoom can make communicating with clients and collaborators easy, even if everyone is in different locations.

A time-tracking app like Toggl can help you stay on top of deadlines and ensure you're billing for all your work hours. And scheduling tools like Google Calendar can help you keep track of all your personal and professional appointments.

And when it comes to finances, there are several accounting tools like Mint, QuickBooks FreshBooks, or Wave that can help you stay on top of your expenses, inventory, and income.

A to-do list app like Todoist or Microsoft To-Do can help you keep track of deadlines and progress on various projects, while the notes app Evernote can be used to store ideas and reminders. Meanwhile, platforms like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook all offer powerful platforms for marketing and advertising that can be used to connect with potential customers and promote your products or services. There are also many online marketplaces where you can list your items.

Set Boundaries and Find Balance

Set Boundaries and Find Balance

Ideally, one work should not infringe on the other. To do that, it's important to be clear with your boss and co-workers about what your side hustle entails and when you're unavailable for work. That way, they won't try to sneak additional assignments into your already full workload. At the same time, you should also make sure to set aside enough time for your personal life, family, and interests outside of work. This can help prevent burnout and ensure that you're happy and healthy, both physically and mentally.

Additionally, ensure you're not using company resources for your side hustle without permission. Not only is this dishonest and unethical, but it can also get you into legal trouble. If you're using company email, laptop, or phone for your side hustle, make sure you have permission from your employer first.

By setting clear boundaries between your day job and side hustle, you can help to ensure that both areas of your life are given the attention they deserve.

Find a Support Group.

Find a Support Group.

Chances are, there are others out there who are also juggling a day job with a side hustle. Seek their advice and support; they could be valuable resources for you. Online forums, social media groups, or even in-person meetups can all be great places to find like-minded individuals who understand what you're going through and can offer helpful advice.

Conclusion: Do Your Job First

Regardless of how you feel about your day job, chances are that it pays the bills and provides some level of stability in your life. If you're starting to feel like your side hustle infringes on your ability to do your best at your day job, it might be time to reassess priorities to ensure you're still giving your all to your day job. Remember that a side hustle is supposed to be supplemental income, not a full-time job.

Yes, it can be challenging to strike a balance between your day job and your side hustles, but there is always a way around it. To reduce the stress experienced when balancing two lines of work, you can pick hustles that are complimentary to your career. For example, if you’re a writer, you might pursue side hustles that involve writing or editing. Or, if you’re a web designer, you might find side hustles that involve web design or development.

Lastly, don't forget to have fun! A side hustle should be something you're passionate about, not a chore. If you're not enjoying what you're doing, it's time to try something else.