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Is Workplace Ergonomics the Missing Piece of the Puzzle of the Perfect Workplace?

04 January 2024

Workplace ergonomics is the new buzzword. Everyone is talking about how critically important it is to ensure good workplace ergonomics and how it can benefit employees and employers. However, a common question we get quite frequently is whether ensuring ergonomics is really that important. Is workplace ergonomics the only piece of the puzzle that was missing in the picture-perfect workplace?

The answer is – probably yes!

You may modernize your workplace and invest in fancy floorings, lighting, and furnishings, but if you fail to meet the comfort needs of your employees, your workplace is no good for them. Your workplace can only be considered a good place for employees if it offers safety and comfort to all employees. When employees are comfortable at work, and their health and well-being are assured, they'll perform so much better. The business will flourish as a result. This is only made possible by ensuring good workplace ergonomics.

Good workplace ergonomics offers a sense of safety, ensures employees' health and well-being, and assures excellent business outcomes for the employer, making it a win-win situation for both.

This blog post will discuss in detail why we say that ensuring workplace ergonomics can really make your workplace an ideal place to work.

What Makes a Workplace an Ideal Place to Work?

We keep saying it's important to establish an ideal workplace, but what exactly is an ideal workplace? An ideal workplace, in simplest words, is where employees are physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically fit.

3 essential elements make up an ideal workplace, and these are:

A Comfortable Physical Environment

One of the many features of an ideal workplace is that it ensures employees are comfortable and satisfied with the work environment. It means that the workplace will be equipped with ergonomic furniture including ergonomic office chairs and height-adjustable workstations. Not only the furniture but the lighting will also be just right, and the temperature will be comfortable. In short, an employee will face no form of physical discomfort at work.

A Warm and Friendly Corporate Culture

The culture of the workplace has a profound impact on an employee's overall well-being. An ideal workplace will have a warm and friendly corporate culture. The employees will be able to interact with their fellow coworkers comfortably. The relationship between managers and teams will be warm and cordial and not cold and unfriendly. To put it simply, employees will be at ease emotionally and psychologically.

Employee-Centric Policies

The company policies in an ideal workplace will be employee-centric. The employees would be assured that the employer won't brush off their concerns. A fair appraisal system will be in place, and all employees will be fairly evaluated and rewarded.

A workplace with all of these elements ensures employee well-being (physical, mental, emotional, and psychological) and, therefore, can be considered the best place for employees to work.

Is Workplace Ergonomics the Only Factor That's Missing to Complete the Picture?

Many employers revise their policies to make them more employee-centric, encourage employees to collaborate and communicate openly, and also ensure the environment in their offices is friendly and cordial, but they often miss the jackpot, and that is ensuring employee comfort and physical well-being. Good workplace ergonomics isn't the only factor that influences employee health, safety, and well-being, but it is one of the most important ones.

Let's look at some of the many ways in which good workplace ergonomics ensure employee well-being and plays a crucial role in making a workplace as ideal as possible.

Ensures Employee Safety and Health

Poor workplace ergonomics put employees at risk of numerous work-related illnesses and ailments, with work-related musculoskeletal disorders being on top of the list. Most employees aren't conscious about their postures and often complain about pain in their back, neck, and shoulders. This is a sign that they aren't sitting in the correct posture, and if they don't do something about it, they'll soon develop long-term health conditions.

However, the risk of employees developing work-related health conditions like musculoskeletal disorders is greatly reduced in an ergonomic workplace. One of the primary features of an ergonomic workplace is ergonomic furniture. Ergonomic workplaces are equipped with ergonomic work desks and office chairs.

Ergonomic desks like the Comhar Pro Standing Desk Q8 have an adjustable height feature that allows the users to adjust the height of the desk as per their preferences. This ensures that the desk is at the right height for the user. If the desk is too high for the user, they'll have to sit with their back stretched and their elbows awkwardly placed on the desk's surface. If the desk is too low, the user will sit with their back curved and neck bent. Both these postures are incorrect and put the users at risk of work-related injuries.

An ergonomic chair is unlike regular office chairs. The user can adjust the height of the chair such that their feet aren't dangling in the air. Ideally, you should keep your feet flat on the floor to prevent discomfort and pain. The user can also adjust the seat depth of an ergonomic chair, which ensures the edge of the seat doesn't push into the back of the knees. Ergonomic chairs have a flexible back to provide support to the back and ensure minimal strain to the lower back.

These two basic pieces of furniture reduce the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders and ensure that the safety and health of all employees are safeguarded.

Enhanced Employee Productivity

What does an employer want from their employees? For them to perform as well as they can. If your workplace isn't comfortable and doesn't offer a sense of safety to the employees, even the most competent staff will fail to deliver the expected performance. When employees aren't comfortable at work, they'll be distracted all the time and will fail to focus on their work, which will directly affect their productivity and efficiency. A decline in employee productivity is bad news for the business.

However, good workplace ergonomics can overcome this challenge as well. As we said earlier, an ideal workplace is where employees feel safe and comfortable and safeguard their well-being. Good workplace ergonomics ensure absolute employee comfort and safety. When an employee is comfortable and feels safe at work, they'll be able to focus on their work better and deliver higher-quality results. It won't be an exaggeration to say that workplace ergonomics boost employee productivity and ensure the employees are happy at work.

Enhances Employee Morale and Improves Mood

If your employees don't look happy, you simply can't say your workplace is an ideal place to work. Had it been one, the employees would have looked happy. We were serious when we say that workplace ergonomics is a missing piece of the puzzle to the picture-picture workplace. Workplace ergonomics ensure employee health, safety, comfort, and overall well-being (physical and mental). When employees know their well-being is important to the employer and that the employer is taking necessary measures to ensure they feel safe and comfortable at work, they'll naturally feel happier.

Not only that, one of the most common reasons why employees are irritable and cranky at work is the lack of comfort. This problem, too, is sorted with good workplace ergonomics. Employees look happier and more active at work; when they're happy, they perform better. The happier the employees are at work, the higher their morale and dedication will be.

Improves Employee Retention

One of the biggest reasons why employees quit is the lack of concern and appreciation from the employer. Every employee loss is a loss for the company as the company spends time, money, and resources in onboarding an employee. However, with good workplace ergonomics, the employees know that their health and well-being is taken seriously at work and they're important. This gives the employees no reason to quit. They stick around for longer. Higher employee retention not only saves money for the employer but also improves their brand image.

Closing Word

If you take all the necessary steps to make your workplace attractive to the employees but overlook workplace ergonomics, the workplace would still meet the definition of ideal. For the workplace to be truly an ideal place to work, it has to be both modern and comfortable, making employees feel good about themselves and their workplace.

So yes, workplace ergonomics is really the missing piece of the puzzle to the perfect workplace. If you really want your workplace to be an ideal place for your employees, you've got to work on ensuring good workplace ergonomics starting today!