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How Ergonomics Can Help You Avoid Gamer's Disease

19 April 2023

Over the last few years, the gaming industry has grown tremendously. What used to be a mere playing video games on the computer is now a multi-billion dollar entertainment industry with over 3 million gamers around the world. While the recent surge in the gaming industry was a result of the pandemic, many gamers continued playing computer games even as life returned to normal.

Computer games are for both kids and adults. However, around 80% of gamers are over the age of 18 and, according to statistics, spend a weekly average of 30 hours on game-related activities. And these are the numbers for casual gamers. You can find hundreds and thousands of serious gamers who could potentially be spending 14-16 hours per day playing computer games.

However, not many gamers realize that spending too much time playing games on the screen is associated with several health conditions that are affecting gamers globally. An increasing number of gamers are suffering from various gamer's diseases, including obesity, gamer's thumb, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Fortunately, ergonomics can help avoid multiple gamer's diseases, and that's what we look at in this post.

In what follows, we will take a close look at some of the common gamer's diseases, followed by a discussion on how ergonomics can prevent you from several of these conditions.

So, let's get started.

5 Common Gamer's Diseases

Excessive gaming is associated with various musculoskeletal and repetitive stress injuries or overuse injuries which is a result of overuse of muscles and tendons. Some of the injuries include gamer's thumb and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Prolonged hours on the screen playing computer games can also significantly increase your risk of obesity and may contribute to visual problems. The most common vision problem associated with gaming is eye strain which contributes to poor concentration and persistent headaches. In extreme cases, excessive gaming can also result in seizures.

While there are several health concerns associated with excessive gaming, in this section, we only look at gamer's diseases that are a result of posture-related concerns and repetitive overuse. Some of these diseases include the following.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Gaming involves excessive use of the mouse and the keyboard that results in stress or overuse injuries. One of the most common overuse injuries that gamers experience is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The medical condition is a result of frequent overuse of the muscles and tendons that cause inflammation and stress on the nerves in the wrist.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful medical condition that if left untreated can progress and lead to extreme pain and numbness that can negatively impact a person's quality of life and cause serious issues like lack of grip.

Gamer's Thumb

Many individuals who prefer to play computer and video games may suffer from this condition. It affects the tendons of your hand and thumb which facilitate the movement of the thumb. Persistently playing console-related games can cause an injury to the thumb which can cause gamers to develop this condition.

Gamer's thumb is associated with irritation, pain, and discomfort that can quickly progress into numbness if left untreated. The gamer may also experience a burning sensation in the upper portion of the thumb that can lead to poor grip and lack of proper control.

Musculoskeletal Concerns

According to statistics, prolonged sitting associated with computer gaming is one of the leading causes of musculoskeletal concerns like postural problems, lower back pain, and fatigue. Over time, as gamers develop an addiction to computer games, they often tend to ignore their sitting posture, which further aggravates the risk of musculoskeletal concerns.

Vision Problems

Continuously staring at the computer screen for long hours can strain your eyes and contribute to poor eyesight. Gamers often continue to play video games for long hours without any screen on their monitor, which exposes their eyes to extensive blue light that can contribute to reseeding eyesight.

Moreover, prolonged hours at the screen also lead to migraines and discomfort, which eventually causes a lack of concentration during gaming. In some cases, if these symptoms are ignored, it can contribute to seizures.


Obesity is among the most common health concerns affecting children and adults globally. Nearly every 1 in 3 individuals is overweight, and a sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading causes of this dangerous health condition.

Prolonged gaming also contributes to developing obesity as gamers lack physical activity and tend to spend long hours in a sitting position. Moreover, while gamers are playing games on the screen, they are often involved in consuming a lot of junk food while playing games, which also contributes to the development of obesity.

How Good Ergonomics Can Help With Gamer's Diseases?

Fortunately, good ergonomic practices can help you deal with various gamer diseases. Ergonomics is a field of study that revolves around making environmental adjustments such that your body can maintain a natural, healthy position. The focus of ergonomics is primarily on adjusting your chair, workstation, and other desktop accessories with the intent of providing users with a conducive environment that can allow them to maintain a neutral body posture.

Here are some of the common ways in which good ergonomics can help you get rid of any gamer's disease.

Alternate Between Standing and Sitting Regularly

Gamers spend long hours playing desktop games or PlayStations, which results in prolonged sitting. As a result, gamers are more prone to inactivity and lack of mobility.

To prevent posture-related gamer diseases, it's critical to incorporate some type of movement into your everyday schedule, and one of the easiest movements that we recommend is to alternate between sitting and standing regularly. When you alternate your position between sitting and standing, you add a little touch of physical activity to your daily routine which aids in improving blood circulation around your body.

So it's okay if you enjoy sitting comfortably on your gaming chair when you play your favorite computer but don't forget to change your position to standing for a while every 20-30 minutes. If you already have a height-adjustable standing desk at your home, you can take advantage of this ergonomic equipment and change your position to standing and keep your body active and healthy while playing.

Invest in Appropriate Ergonomic Furniture and Desktop Tools

Whether you are a casual gamer or a serious one, you need to invest in appropriate ergonomic furniture as well as ergonomic tools. We recommend investing in specifically designed gaming chairs like Gaming Chair GC02. The ergonomically designed gaming chair features an adjustable backrest for ultimate spine support and a great sitting experience. Moreover, given that it exceptionally supports your back, it also aids in relieving pain in your arms, neck, and shoulders. Featuring a high-quality construct, floor-friendly wheels, and 2D armrests, this gaming chair by FlexiSpot is designed to provide you with a convenient sitting experience for all gamers.

Apart from a gaming chair, it's also critical that gamers look for ergonomic accessories monitor mounts that help them appropriately place their computer accessories and prevent your wrist, eyes, and spine from stress or strain that can harm your body in the longer run.

Maintain Proper Posture

While investing in appropriate ergonomic office equipment and accessories, make a wise decision; you cannot fully reap the benefits of ergonomic furniture and accessories until you maintain an appropriate posture. Make sure you maintain an upright sitting posture, so you don't slouch while playing your favorite game. Most gamers tend to slouch without realizing which eventually strains your spine. It is, therefore critical that you maintain a proper sitting posture to reduce your risk of gamer's diseases.

One of the other posture-related ergonomic tips that will help you avoid gamer's disease is the 90-90-90 rule. The posture-supporting rule ensures that your elbows are bent at a right angle while you're sitting. Moreover, your hips make a right angle with your upper and lower body. Furthermore, your knees should make a right angle with your thighs and lower legs.

By maintaining a right-angled posture, you can keep your body in a neutral position that minimizes stress on your musculoskeletal system and eventually reduce your risk of developing gamer's diseases.

Final Words

Gaming is one of the ways that help individuals relax and unwind after a busy day at work or school. However, it's critical that you maintain a balance between gaming and your health so you can continue to enjoy gaming episodes for longer.

By investing in appropriate ergonomic accessories for gaming, you can reduce your risk of developing gamer's diseases so you can have the best time playing your favorite games without causing any harm to your body.

For more information on how reliable, ergonomic furniture and accessories can help you avoid gamer's diseases, get in touch with FlexiSpot today.