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Healthy Habits to do at Work

02 August 2021

Health is supposed to be wealth. To a large extent, the saying is correct. We couldn't do anything if we didn't have good health. Taking care of chores, work, and children would become unattainable if we were constantly afflicted with health issues. One of the most prevalent reasons for not being in good shape is a lack of time or energy to do whatever it takes to be healthy. This is especially true for professionals who are on the job.

Well-being entails more than just being healthy. It encompasses not only physical fitness but also mental and social wellness. In a nutshell, it's the "feel-good element." For many decades, the World Health Organization has sought to improve workplace well-being. Some companies respect and promote well-being more than others, but there is an almost common understanding that a healthy workforce is a successful and motivated one.

We all know that physical activity and exercise are excellent for us. The issue is that office-based work appears to be structured to inhibit active lifestyles. It is claimed that Americans spend an average of 13 hours each day seated, with nearly 86 percent of U.S. workers saying that they sit the whole day daily. All of this idleness is accumulating a slew of possible health risks. According to a 2016 American Heart Association research, a sedentary lifestyle may increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers and contribute to higher rates of mortality. It encourages companies to make a healthier workforce by investing in solutions such as standing desks.

Making major and long-term enhancements to your health and well-being is difficult. But the best part is that you can make a significant difference even if you work primarily in an office. Here are some things you can take to improve your health at work and elsewhere.

Maintain a tidy desk

It is critical to keep your desk clean and neat. Clean it up 5 minutes before you leave for the day so you may return to a tidy desk the next morning. Keep disinfecting wipes available and use them to clean the surface of your desk constantly.

Resist associating with sick employees

This one is self-evident, yet it is nonetheless significant. Avoid direct contact with employees who may be unwell or exhibiting indications of a contagious disease. If you've been near their desk, wash your hands. Also, if management is not already notified of the sick employee, inform them. If you're sick, it's preferable to stay at home and rest.

Be ergonomic

Because you spend a great deal of your day at your desk, it makes sense to make it a healthier part of your workday. This is possible with standing desks or height-adjustable desks if a combo is much more your style—as well as improved office chairs. The first step is to get up, then step two is to learn to get up more frequently. Step three is to move after you're up.

When you do sit, you should use a chair that protects your spine and maintains your neck in a neutral posture. Ergonomic chairs can improve your work environment and reduce neck and back strain caused by sitting at a computer all day.

Be sure to check FlexiSpot to learn more about standing desks and ergonomic chairs.

Mindful eating

Most office workers grumble about how tough it is to eat healthily and intelligently, and they blame it on their dwindling willpower. While it is true that we eat junk food or sample calorific goodies given to the office by coworkers, we must also exhibit self-control. Moderation is essential. You don't have to give up junk food entirely; simply limit your intake.

Most office workers grumble about how tough it is to eat healthily and intelligently, and they blame it on their dwindling willpower. While it is true that we eat junk food or sample calorific goodies given to the office by coworkers, we must also exhibit self-control. Moderation is essential. You don't have to give up junk food entirely; simply limit your intake. Take note of what you consume during your primary meals. In the morning, have a healthy, substantial breakfast. Lunch should consist of fruits and salads, and unhealthy, greasy foods should be avoided. Avoid having lunch at your desk as much as possible.

Keep yourself moving

Aside from improving your standing/sitting desk scenario, you should also walk around across the day. This could include getting up and going outside for a few minutes, taking a few steps to boost your circulation, or simply walking around the office. You might also perform some simple stretching exercises at your workstation. This can assist you in protecting your back, be more mindful of your posture, and perhaps consume more calories during the day. Furthermore, by keeping that blood circulating, you give your brain a creative boost, which means you will work smarter.

Maintain proper posture

Maintaining excellent posture throughout the day necessitates conscious effort. Most computer users look at their screens for hours and become engrossed in them. This causes them to strain their neck forward, putting pressure on the neck and spine. This can be avoided by performing certain desk workouts. The most common one involves chin retractions - or creating a false double chin-to brace the neck and upper back.

Take pauses and wear eye protection

Alongside taking breaks to move about, remember to give your eyes a rest. Looking directly at a computer screen all day is hazardous to your eyes. It can cause dryness, discomfort, and strain. Using a standing desk can assist in keeping your eyes in a better position regarding your screen, but they also require rest. 

Always keep healthful snacks on hand

The appropriate snacks are not only good for your waistline, but they can also help your brain. Having healthy snacks readily available at work will discourage you from reaching for poor-quality food when you experience that afternoon slump. Nuts and walnuts are quick and easy brain foods. With a touch of dark chocolate, you get a delectable combination. Boiled eggs are another good source of energy for your mind and body. Alternatively, try a salad with healthy fats like coconut, avocado, or olive oil.

Drink a lot of water

When you're engrossed in work, it's easy to lose sight of how much water you're sipping in a day. It is, nevertheless, critical that you drink enough water to stay hydrated and alert. Dehydration can have negative consequences such as fatigue and slowness. Drinking six to eight glasses of water every day is always a great recommendation for an adult. You may need to drink more depending on your degree of physical exercise and the climate in your area. Eating fresh, juicy fruits is an excellent approach to combat dehydration and hunger.

Learn how to deal with stress

Most of us have stressful lives, and this can get to us at times. It is typical for us to be fatigued when we are juggling multiple duties and obligations daily. We are, then again, only human. We can make life easier for ourselves by knowing how to manage stress. What's a fantastic approach to deal with stress? Do things that you enjoy. Spending time with family or friends, reading books, watching movies, and hitting the gym or the spa are examples. The goal is to de-stress your mind by taking good care of yourself and striking a good balance.

Maintaining good physical condition demands effort. Optimal fitness and health do not come easily, which is why it is critical to adopt certain behaviors into your everyday routine. This will require long-term dedication and discipline, but there will be several benefits in terms of physiological and mental well-being to be gained.