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Escape Your Way Out of a Creative Rut

09 September 2022

You most likely found this post because you work in the creative industry and are currently stuck. All of us have been there. We are all familiar with the feeling of trying our hardest to imagine squeezing a lemon in our brains yet getting nothing but pulp. When we're trying to meet a deadline but it's already midnight and we still have a blank canvas in front of us, it becomes frustrating.

They claim that the rut is a necessary step in the creative process before we reach the aha! Eureka's success moment. It is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as a noun that may be a periodic and often annually recurring state of certain male animals (such as deer or elk) during which behavior associated with the urge to breed is displayed; a track worn by a wheel or by habitual passage; and a usual or a fixed practice.

In every situation, a rut is repetitive, rigid, and habitual—exactly the opposite of the conditions that foster creativity. We desire to be in the state where we are excited, where our hearts are racing, and where our bodies are moving to the music. We really need to break out of this rut right now and get to that flow. Here are some strategies for getting out of that creative rut and returning to your work with more vigor and enthusiasm.

Step outside the walls of your comfort.

Step outside the walls of your comfort.

We frequently feel as though we are in a rut because we long for challenges or excitement in what may have become routine for us. Step outside your comfort zone and add some spice to the situation. It only needs to make you uncomfortable; it doesn't need to be a big project. If you're an introvert, for instance, try challenging yourself by talking to a complete stranger at a restaurant. On the other side of your comfort zone is growth, therefore just send your crush a simple "hello" message. You'll be thanking us.

Allot some time for meditation.

Allot some time for meditation.

Sometimes all we require is a brief rest. Breathe in deeply and then exhale slowly. Close your eyes, take a seat and place your hands on your lap. Use an app with a premium membership, such as Headspace or Calm, to follow a guided meditation. On YouTube, you may also get free ones with instructions. Being more conscious of what you're doing right now and present at the moment are two benefits of meditation. It frees your thoughts from your worries so that you may concentrate on what needs to be done.

Clean your surroundings.

Clean your surroundings.

Stop putting off cleaning your room, your workspace, or the whole house. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery to get out of a creative rut and you can do this the economic way if you begin by decluttering. You might have been so used to the pile of clutter in front of you that you don’t care how messy it has become. Refresh your mind with a new environment when you start to tackle the mess. Start by investing in storage units such as an under-desk drawer or a mobile file cabinet. This can make your workflow a lot easier too, on a daily basis. It’s also easier to maintain cleanliness if you invest in a smart storage unit.

Stretch those muscles out to release tension and stiffness.

Stretch those muscles out to release tension and stiffness.

Take your practice seriously by performing a yoga sequence. Your body releases endorphins when you move and stretch to relax stiff muscles. You can see things more clearly when you're relaxed, which yoga helps you achieve.

Walk outside and do not let your thoughts wander by observing your surroundings.

Walk outside and do not let your thoughts wander by observing your surroundings.

Take inspiration from outside daily life. If you're in a city, watch the people and decide who seems happy or not. If you reside in the suburbs, stroll toward the farm, enjoy the local coffee, and take in the sound of singing birds.

Be alert to your environment and the sounds around you. What does that wall art mean? Why do people use that location for photos? What do you wear these days outside? Even for a brief while, going for a walk outside allows your thoughts to wander.

Break the law.

Break the law.

Whatever it is that you're doing, it's robbing you of all life. Why don't you quit playing by the rules and make a few exceptions? Introduce a novel format or investigate an unusual subject. A strict regimen can occasionally bore us. If you work for a boss, be professional and inform them of your plan beforehand.

Consult a friend.

Consult a friend.

Call or chat with a friend who makes you feel your best. Be frank and truthful about how you're feeling internally empty. You feel relieved that you are not alone and that you will always have someone to talk to when you release your emotions to someone else. Why don't you talk to your friend about the past?

You might be able to get out of your current creative rut by thinking back to a period when you experienced something similar. Even laughter would be shared with your pal. It doesn't have to be your best friend, but it would be ideal if it were someone you respected.

Read motivational sayings.

Read motivational sayings.

Organize your workspace with motivational sayings. Use a corkboard it to pin all the motivational and inspiring statements that have touched you. Fill it out and post it where it will be seen each time you turn to face that direction.

Go to sleep.

Go to sleep.

Your body and mind require rest. Take a power nap to help you readjust and recharge if you need to. Sometimes a lack of sleep prevents you from thinking effectively. Sleeping is not counterproductive at all. If you are well-rested, you are able to think more clearly and focus on finishing your daily tasks.

Discover your why again.

Discover your why again.

In the end, you just need to go back and ask yourself honestly why you are acting the way you are. To feel more clearly, put your ideas down on paper. Knowing your why can motivate you to work and inspire your creative juices to flow if a deadline is pushing you.