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Creative Shared Desk Layouts with Fixed Standing Desks

02 August 2022

Building a comfortable office space requires lots of brainstorming and creativity because you'll have to consider many factors at a time. You have to study the available space in the room, lighting, size, how peaceful and silent it is, the decorations, and, most importantly, your productivity.

However, a shared desk layout seems to be the ideal solution. It has all the properties an office should possess for its users to enjoy an amazing work-life. Speaking of efficiency and space-saving, the shared desk arrangement should be your go-to.

Meanwhile, the most difficult part is execution. How do you set up this layout? Are there certain decors or pieces of furniture you need to get? Does shared desk planning work in every workplace?

Here is a complete guide to help you answer all these questions you might have. So are you ready to incorporate a shared desk structure into your office? Read this through.

Shared Desk Layout

What's a Shared Desk Layout?

As the name suggests, a shared desk design is at work when the office is shared by more than one employee, often on a rotating schedule. They can be two, three, or even more.

Although this might sound familiar to other desk-sharing ideas you've come across, the major feature of a shared desk is that your company devolves a single workspace to many office workers. Do you get it now? So it's the employers' idea and they usually oversee the coordination of the process.

As an employee, you'll have to take batches working different timeframes remotely, so that each desk will be occupied by a team member at any given time. And once the team member finishes his turn, the next worker on the turn takes over.

A typical example is when you work using the shared desk arrangement during business hours every Monday, while your colleagues - Eleanor, John, Jill, and Mike - work from home all through that day.

Once you're done working on Monday, you clean the desk, pack out all your belongings and make it ready for use for Eleanor who'll take over on Tuesday while you, Jill, John, and Mike work from home.

That's how the cycle runs until Friday when everyone must have had a full day to himself or herself. And the rotation continues with that same pattern for the next week. Another method is to switch the desk between two office workers each day. That is, you and Eleanor work from the desk on Monday while Jill and Mike take over for Tuesday, and so on

Hence, it's evident that there are different creative ways to design and work a shared desk between office workers. It all boils down to the capacity of workers in your workplace, and the shifts they'll like to work with, among other factors.

Shared Space Desk Furniture

Fixed Height Desk V. Adjustable Standing Desk - Which One is the Best Shared Space Desk Furniture?

Both fixed height desk and adjustable standing desk have their good sides and downsides. But that doesn't make the regular office desk outrank them. Thus, it all depends on what your employees want and that's why we suggest that you inform your team members (discussed below) before taking any step on this latest trend.

An adjustable standing desk offers you the perks of transitioning from sitting to standing any time you want. Thus, you'll be free from lower back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, and other discomforts associated with sitting for long hours.

Meanwhile, if your office proposes two team members using the desk at a time, the needs and preferences of your partner also have to be considered. Does he or she also want an adjustable standing desk? Thus, employees paired with each other for the day should have the same taste in desk setups.

This will also help to foster a deeper and more cohesive interpersonal relationship among the workforce. However, an adjustable standing desk should be the first choice of every workplace, whether you're working from a shared desk, conventional office, or your home office.

After all, it offers you the benefits attached to both sitting and standing.

Shared Space Desk Layout Ideas

Shared Space Desk Layout Ideas

Build the Workroom with a U-shaped or L-shaped Desk or Design Your Preferred Desk

Your first step here is to measure the dimensions of the room where you want to build the shared desk. After that, you can fill it up with the right office furniture. Ideally, we'll advise that you go for two L-shaped standing desks, and depending on your choice and budget, you can buy them or design one yourself.

So if you're one of the remote workers who love building their office arrangement by themselves, you can look up for L-shaped desk concepts to further understand the best way to build a U-shaped desk layout with an L-shaped standing desk.

If you have enough space in the room, you can make it look more gorgeous and filled by pairing two L-shaped standing desks and arranging them using a U style to give you a U-shaped seating arrangement. And if the space is limited, you can get portable and ready-made U-shaped office furniture that'll help you manage the space and get the job done faster.

Another advantage of a large U-shaped office desk is that it'll help you house more desk accessories even with little space around the workspace.

Pairing the L-shaped Standing Desk with a Standing Desk

Of course, we don't expect every remote worker to have a large space for their office work. That's why we recommend two L-shaped desks to produce a U-shaped office arrangement. If you're ready for this layout, your best chance is to pair an adjustable I-shaped standing desk with another standing desk to give you a befitting U-shaped home office.

Despite consuming a lesser amount of space, this style will afford you the chance to put all your important desk accessories on the larger desk space.

Manage and Operate a Shared Office Space

How to Manage and Operate a Shared Office Space

Get the Team Members Informed

As we've earlier hinted, you need to engage your workforce and seek their opinions if your company is considering the switch from the regular setting to a more flexible model like a shared office space. After all, the idea of desk sharing is strange to the corporate world, so you can't expect them to automatically adapt to a shared work environment overnight.

If the office workers object to the proposal or air certain concerns, we'll advise that you apply some brake first. So it'll be better to take the transition slowly by opting for a desk with two or three workers instead of pushing them all in right away.

Even after this slight adjustment, you should take some time to consider how it works. Are the workers getting affected in any form? Is there anything you can do to make the adapting stage easier for them? After all these factors have been keenly studied, you can finally switch them over to a shared desk layout - a desk and a chair for a worker per time.

BYOD System Over Stationary Devices

BYOD, it's a simple abbreviation for the catchphrase "Bring Your Own Device". A shared office space is equivalent to a change of environment, so the usual perks of using stationary devices in your former work environment are no longer available.

Now, you have to cultivate the habit of bringing and using your devices. This includes your cell phone, USB drive, personal computer, and other electronic gadgets that'll help you access business networks faster and easier.

With this BYOD campaign, running and managing a shared desk arrangement becomes a walk in the park. No stress. Isn't that ingenious? And once you're done for the day, you pack up your devices, tidy up the place, and the next in line takes over.

Install Sufficient Lighting

It's a known fact natural light is the best form of lighting for your workspace. Meanwhile, it's not always realistic to place the desk and chair close to the window. So what's the way out?

You can go creative by including an adjustable-wavelength lamp on the shared desk. That way, you're implementing and enhancing the capacity of natural light in the room. The method will also allow your team members to personalize the light in a way that boosts their productivity level.

Flexible Seating Options

If you're subscribing to an adjustable standing desk, it follows that you incorporate seating options that offer you a similar level of flexibility and minimalism. As the desk gives you the luxury to alternate from standing to sitting and vice versa, flexible seating layouts will also help you stay more active and productive at work than other folks.

For example, you should get the following in your workstation for a premium and mind-blowing work-life.

Ergonomic office chairs.
Desk bikes.
Kneeling chairs, and lots more.

With these alternatives, your team members will find an option that works perfectly for them. That way, you're also drawing folks who earlier opposed the idea of a shared office space closer.

Eliminate Stationary Communication Devices

Do you remember that we earlier said a new environment demands a new system? Yes, the shared desk arrangement doesn't work with immobile comms devices. So you need to do away with those landline and hardwired means of communication positioned at each desk.

This will also help you free up some space to accommodate three or more office workers to work at the desk. It also builds up the level of flexibility and communal living existing in the workroom. And if you're thinking about when your superiors need to relay a confidential piece of info to you, we've got you.

All you have to do is replace the stationary comms gadgets with cell phones issued by the company. This idea will make it easier for both your manager and co-workers to reach other members of the team. That's stunning!

Cable Management System

With WiFi tech making the corporate sector more interesting than ever before, setting up a reliable cable management system will also make your employees more creative and productive.

In other words, cut the cord and declutter the workspace. It'll be easier and more fun-filled for your workers to move around the office when the desks are not shackled with Ethernet, wires, and cables.

It further enhances the spirit of collaboration. To achieve this, we recommend that you introduce as many as possible outlets into the office space to help the workers power their devices brought from home. For improved flexibility, you can also look into fixing power boxes on the floors, walls, and from the ceiling.

End Note

That's all you need! We believe this blog gives you an all-inclusive understanding of how to set up a shared desk space. Follow these ideas and tips to customize your shared desk area today and start living the dream!