You've been employed at your company for two years. For every project you are given, you put your best effort forward. You are dependable, so your coworkers might count on you to perform well in a team environment. You still haven't received the chance you were hoping for though. You requested to be allocated to a project that was just around the corner, but your colleague—who was hired later than you—was given the task instead. You're still hoping for your boss to give you a promotion.
Why, though, is it taking so long? Do you not exert enough effort? Your superior doesn't appear to be aware of all you do. The large projects you would like to work on are still not coming your way. You have the impression that your situation is unproductive and that you are stuck. Do you feel you ought to quit your job and switch to a place where you'll feel more appreciated?
We are aware that you are likely unable to refrain from inquiring about your situation with your manager. But before you succumb to that need, kindly ask yourself whether you are being proactive in your role, whether you are working beyond the scope of your job description, whether you support other groups and teams at work, or whether you assist your coworkers after hours. This is what Fast Company considers a courageous work environment.

You can't keep waiting forever for acceptance. You must eventually have the courage to act alone and on your own initiative.
If you take more initiative, you can definitely make job opportunities for yourself. It is simply insufficient to do the required tasks. You must take the initial step if you have aspirations and career plans in order to prove to others that you are capable of taking command and that you take your work seriously.
Being proactive greatly increases your chances of success. You go a little beyond what they anticipate from you. You demonstrate what you have to give. People are more likely to contact you when they need someone for a major project if they can tell that you work well with others. Being proactive will benefit you, the business you're assisting, the coworkers you're aiding, and yes, yourself to tick off your goal.
When you lack the personality to achieve this, it is difficult. Senior citizens, who typically don't wait for their supervisor's approval so that they might decide for themselves, are said to find it easier. Don't be one of those people who holds back from speaking because they worry about being reprimanded for crossing limits.
They claim that this dread is typically demonstrated to be normal. You ought to have self-assurance. Do some research on the business and field you want to explore. The following advice can help you be more proactive at each and every stage.

List your strong and weak points.
Despite the fact that you are no longer applying for the position, keep a note of your strengths and faults. Have you demonstrated your abilities to everyone? Can you use your strongest skill for employment?
Consider your shortcomings as well. They might even strengthen you in the long run. For instance, you dislike being the youngest member of your team. You should consider your experience with the current market as a benefit rather than a sign that you are becoming older. Before you come up and share what you have with your coworkers, be sure that you understand them as well.

Select the appropriate project.
Proactive doesn't necessarily mean that you are just adding to your to-do list for the day at work. You ought to be able to select a project that offers a fantastic chance for your career and not only for you to advance professionally.
Use the following pointers as a guide to choose where you should support the growth of your business.
Write down any insider knowledge you have about the firm, market, or business.
Determine the opportunities that your business and team may use to expand.
Take note of the company's shortcomings.
List down what grabs your fancy in the business. Which of them can you help with, exactly?
Once you take on new responsibilities at work, you must be prepared to collaborate with a different team. The management can infer that you are engaged in both your personal and professional growth when they realize that you can collaborate with different kinds of people.

Promote yourself.
You must have faith in your abilities and the value you could bring to a project. Just briefly explain to your supervisor why choosing to have you on the team will be a wise move. How will it help the business? What expertise do you possess?
Keep in mind that you should be aware of the significance of the project you are attempting to do for the business. You must be certain about the goal you are pursuing. Ask a reliable coworker what they think. You'll eventually come upon a project that you'd adore working on.

Make sure you can still handle your current obligations.
You should demonstrate to everyone in the office that you can handle the increased workload without neglecting your primary responsibilities. Never let a project that you started consume all of your attention and motivation.
Being proactive while neglecting other obligations for a self-initiated project would only demonstrate to your manager that you lack time management skills. This could be the cause of why you haven't made the kind of job advancement you've always desired.
Utilize ergonomic office equipment, such as a standing desk, to help you stay focused at work by switching from a sitting to a standing position.

Tell your boss about your future goals and plans.
Make sure your manager is aware of your professional goals. Ask them politely if there are any chances you could take advantage of. If your manager is effective at managing people and you've let him or her know that you're interested, then he or she ought to alert you when projects come up that match your interests, abilities, and talents.