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Benefits of Using an Ergonomic Mouse and Keyboard

11 October 2022

According to research conducted by Logitech, heavy computer users can rack up as much as 17 miles in annual mouse movement. If you added typing to your daily routine, you might be ready for the Olympics—that is, if you gave your legs that much exercise daily.

It should therefore come as no surprise that office workers and those who work from home frequently experience shoulder and wrist pain. Human hands weren't intended to handle such abuse. However, in our modern environment, it is impossible to avoid engaging in repetitive mouse and keyboard use.

But does this mean you have to leave with wrist pain until you retire? You won't be required to hold out for that long. You can simply take control of your circumstances by establishing an ergonomically sound working environment. Additionally, we suggest seeing your primary care physician to receive a clinical diagnosis and treatment.

You might want to consider using an ergonomic mouse and keyboard in the meantime to take advantage of the following benefits:

Improved Productivity

An ergonomic mouse and keyboard are intended to be comfortable and simple to use; the less strain you feel while using them, the more likely you are to remain focused and productive. Furthermore, they can aid in preventing injuries that can keep you out of commission for weeks or even months.

In addition to being more comfortable, ergonomic devices are frequently designed with greater functionality in mind (programmable buttons and customizable settings), which can help users be more efficient in their work. These products are designed to help you work smarter, not harder.

Intuitive Controls

The mechanics of ergonomic mice and keyboards are similar to conventional input devices, so you won't have to spend hours relearning how to use them. In fact, you'll probably find them even more fluid and enjoyable to operate.

Of course, some devices, like split keyboards, take some getting used to. But even then, most people learn the new layout with minimal practice. Give yourself at least four months to get accustomed to the new setup before you make any judgments. Chances are, you'll be pleasantly surprised by how much easier and more efficient these devices are to use.

Prevents Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects the hands and wrists. It occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm to the hand, becomes compressed. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the affected hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome is often caused by repetitive motions, such as typing or using a mouse.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be avoided by using an ergonomic mouse and keyboard, which provide a more comfortable posture and reduce the stress placed on the hands and wrists. This relieves pressure on the median nerve.

For example, an ergonomic mouse may have a more comfortable grip, shallower clicking action, and a vertical design that helps to keep the wrist in a neutral position. In addition, an ergonomic keyboard may have a split or a curved design that allows you to keep your wrists at a comfortable angle while you type.

Furthermore, ergonomic keyboards and mice can assist in preventing repetitive motion by allowing users to reduce the amount of force required to type and click, as well as to minimize unnatural hand and wrist movements while using the devices.

Faster Typing and Mouse Manipulation

Ergonomic input devices feature convenient layouts that allow you to work faster. The keyboards still feature a conventional QWERTY layout, but the placement works to your advantage. While ergonomic mice fit your entire hand, making them less cumbersome to move around.

Thus, opting for an ergonomic mouse and keyboard combo saves time. This improves your workflow, and you leave the workstation feeling less frustrated and tired.

Ergonomics Improves Posture

Your wrists and hands are not isolated from the rest of your body - they're part of an interconnected system. That means any issue that crops up in your wrists and hands can travel up your arms and into your shoulders.

And if it isn't addressed, it can eventually affect your spine and cause chronic back pain.

You may start experiencing less neck, shoulder, and back pain after embracing ergonomic input devices. So if you've tried everything else but your posture doesn't improve, why not switch to an ergonomic mouse and keyboard setup? The changes may surprise you. Ergonomic devices are designed to fit the natural contours of your hands and wrists, which can help reduce strain and prevent future issues.

Ergonomic Equipment Works to Your Strengths

Conventional computer hardware is designed to be universal, which often means sacrificing ergonomics for the sake of simplicity. Keyboard and mouse setups are a good example of this – they typically come in only one size and shape, which can be uncomfortable for some users. But, this is not the case with ergonomic options.

They come in all shapes and sizes. You can even pick a left or right-handed option - Or whatever works to your convenience. But don't take our word for it – Shop around, and we promise you'll be shocked at the endless list of options in the market.

Last Longer Than Conventional Options

Many ergonomic keyboards and mice feature better design and build quality and are made of higher-quality durable materials that can withstand heavy use. As a result, they can provide years of comfortable use. This can be an advantage for people who use their computer frequently or have a job requiring them to use the computer for long hours.

Enhanced Comfort

Most employers fail to prioritize their workers' comfort in the workplace. But what they view as an unnecessary luxury could streamline the workflow and increase the company's bottom line. Comfort is part of the equation of a functional workstation. Performing an ergonomic assessment can show you areas that need improvement including investing in comfortable-to-work-with ergonomic devices.

Alleviate Arthritis Symptoms

According to the CDC, around 58.5 million Americans suffer from arthritis, making it one of the leading causes of disability in the United States. The condition is caused by the inflammation of the joints, and it can lead to severe pain and stiffness. For many people, daily activities such as typing can be difficult and painful.

An ergonomic keyboard and mouse won't stop or treat arthritic symptoms. But they can help your workers adapt to the condition. They are designed to reduce the amount of twisting and stretching that is required while using them. As a result, they can help to reduce the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis.

Curbs Unnecessary Muscle Activity

Repetitive muscle motion often leads to unnecessary strain and pain. Ergonomic input devices reduce such movements leading to lower levels of fatigue and frustration. Most ergonomic keyboards have tactile and highly responsive keys that respond faster to touch.

While most ergonomic mice feature advanced sensors instead of clunky trackballs, they respond up to 5X faster to slight hand movements and mouse clicks. This gives your hands a break so you can finish the workday feeling less tired.

Highly Programmable Features

Some ergonomic devices feature express keys. These allow you to repeat specific actions or commands throughout the day instead of going through complicated processes each time. For instance, if you're a graphic designer, you can program a mouse or keyboard key to automate redoing an action instead of pressing CTRL+SHIFT+Z. This saves you from pounding such keys so you can work faster.

As mentioned, the market has ergonomic mice and keyboards for every imaginable profession. So you can save a lot of hassle merely by picking an option made for people in your industry.

Frees Up Desktop Space

Ergonomic options are more compact and space efficient than standard keyboards and mice. If not always, then most of the time.

This guarantees that you have additional room on your desktop for other tasks, such as storing items or working on projects. You can also add more input devices, such as graphics tablets.

What Can You Add To Improve Mouse and Keyboard Ergonomics?

Most office desks feature smooth surfaces that reduce your mouse's response time. Sure, you can get a mouse pad. But most options are so limited that they limit your range of motion. Adding a large mouse pad to your workstation gives you more wiggle room. This also gives you a comfortable surface to rest your hands while typing or manipulating your mouse.

What if your desktop is too narrow to accommodate all these devices? Fret not. A clamp-on adjustable keyboard tray can extend your desktop by holding your keyboard and mouse in place. Aside from reducing cluttering, you can also tilt this extension to give your wrists and hands more comfort when standing or sitting.

In Summation

The market is chockfull of ergonomic mice and keyboards. However, each type is bespoke for a particular type of user. So, the best place to start is with a comprehensive ergonomic assessment. This will reveal what you need to improve your output at work.

While you're at it – why not consider an ergonomic office chair or standing desk? Every little bit helps to prevent muscle fatigue and chronic pain, ensuring you stay active and productive for years to come. Check out our website, which has an impressive catalog–we also have unbeatable deals and flexible return policies.