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Benefits of Keeping Your Workspace Organized

30 November 2022

For some of us, being organized is like second nature- it comes naturally. However, others may start procrastinating the minute they hear the term “spring cleaning” or may not know how to organize their lives. We get it- the mere thought of cleaning your space up and decluttering can seem daunting and somewhat overwhelming.

If your workspace is overflowing with never-ending files and the storage closet does not have any more space, it is time to clean out the clutter and put everything back in its place. After all, unkept workspaces can result in decreased productivity and morale even cause you to lose out on some potential clients.

If you are looking to create a high-performing work environment, it is time to get organized. Here are some benefits of keeping your workspace organized:

Better Utilization of Workplace

Better Utilization of Workplace

Today, commercial real estate in Seattle is touching the sky. The rent of offices has increased by 31 percent in only three years. As the rent continues to rise every year, understanding and paying attention to how you utilize your expensive workspace has become even more critical.

If you find that your workspace is full of seasonal décor, cramming closets, unutilized space where old records lie, or unused chairs and sofas, it is time to make a change. Look through these items and think about whether you want to keep them. If you find something that does not serve your business anymore, get rid of it. You can even buy off-site storage where furniture can be stored till you decide what to do with it.

All these steps will help you declutter your workspace. Eventually, you will be able to enjoy the extra square footage needed to grow your company.

Increased Productivity

Increased Productivity

The cleaner an environment is, the higher the chances of being more productive and efficient are. If you want employees to be able to focus on their jobs and remain focused, it is important to keep your workspace organized. You must also discourage your employees from keeping clutter on their desks. A couple of minutes spent searching for a file at the workspace or in the supply closet may not seem like much, but if done daily, this can add up to a lot of lost time during the week.

Moreover, according to countless research, physical time lost also means lost mental time. Studies show that any interruption that lasts longer than 4.4 seconds increases the rate of errors on the word at hand by three times the amount. This means that all you have to do is reduce unnecessary distractions, including looking for a file or stapler. Then all you have to do is watch your accuracy and output increase.

Reduced Stress Levels

Reduced Stress Levels

One of the benefits of keeping your workspace organized is that employees will enjoy lower levels of stress. If nothing is kept on its place, they will not be able to locate it. They will spend more time finding things that will increase their stress. Moreover, it will cut down on the time they were supposed to work in, eventually leaving less time to complete deadlines.

At work, it is not rare that the supervisor asks for a file from years ago. However, how do you expect an employee even to find a file from last week if nothing is organized and labeled correctly? Ensuring that workers are not stressed will increase your output and revenue in the long run. This is why it is essential to encourage workers to clean out their desks and keep their workspaces clean and tidy.

Accurate Inventory

Accurate Inventory

One of the benefits of keeping your workspace organized is that you do not have to over-spend on things that are already available, especially office assets. However, if there is a clutter and you don’t know where things are, you are likely to buy the same things again, only to realize later that you wasted your money.

To begin with, you need to start keeping your supplies in a central location and an organized fashion. Form a written catalog for high-value things, such as promotional materials or technology. Limit access so that these things are not used unless necessary. Give some reliable employees the responsibility to document things that are in stock and ensure that they are kept back in their place. This will allow your inventory and office costs to stay in control.

Professional Environment

Professional Environment

A workspace that is organized and tidy creates an environment of professionalism for the workers, as well as clients. It demonstrates that your company pays attention to detail, has high standards, and ensures that everything is thoughtfully planned out.

This will allow employees to win potential clients, and clients will also feel more comfortable working in an organized setting. It will increase their confidence in you and the company. On the other hand, random papers, important files thrown in corners, and messy workspaces will only make your clients feel uncomfortable. They will think that if you can’t manage your workspace, you will definitely not be able to handle their business.

Better Workplace Morale

Better Workplace Morale

A disorganized workplace increases anxiety and can cause employee morale to fall. When employee morale falls, it is a sign that eventually, productivity will fall as well. As a business, this is the last thing you would need.

Maintaining an organized and tidy work environment helps keep employees engaged and committed. Moreover, it increases workplace pride, and they are more likely to feel a sense of belonging. When employees take pride in their company and enjoy their work environment, they are more likely to keep their workstations organized and clean up after themselves. You can also train your employees to effectively maintain filing systems and deep clean their desks once a week so that they can work more efficiently.

How to Keep Your Workspace Organized

Are you wondering how to keep your workspace organized? Here are some tips:



Start by telling employees to get rid of useless papers from their desks. Usually, the biggest clutter on the desk of employees is that of paper waste. If a document has confidential information, it is recommended that the paper be shredded properly rather than recycled.

If the papers are important and must be kept, it is best to create a filing system and keep each document properly labeled so that it is easier to find. Set a rule with your employees to sort every document out by customer/client, project, date, alphabetically, or whatever works best for your business.

Computer Files

Computer Files

If employees spend most of their time on their laptops, you must ensure that files are kept in an organized manner. This will allow employees to locate them more easily.

Moreover, it is best to teach employees to save each file with a specific name so that it does not get lost. Even though this might not seem like a huge deal, it helps save loads of time.

It is also essential to clean out files every month so that computers do not run out of space. If they do, this creates more work for the IT department and wastes the time of employees who could have spent that time doing something more productive.

Get Storage cabinets

Get Storage cabinets

Instead of storing everything on desks, including extra stationery, files, water bottles, and coffee mugs, it is best to get a storage cabinet for each employee. These cabinets should be used to keep all extra items so that the desks of employees stay clear and uncluttered.

The less clutter an employee will have on his desk, the more likely it is that he will not waste precious time at the office. You can even choose under desk storage boxes that will allow all the clutter to be kept away out of sight so that if a client walks by without an appointment, they will be impressed by how clean the offices are.