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Being Curious Will Help You Advance in Your Career

18 January 2023

They say, "Curiosity killed the cat." It may have happened one too many times but curiosity shouldn't be dismissed as negative. In terms of work, it's actually a very important personality trait. Being naturally interested helps you learn more about the duties you are given as well as the company as a whole. You are aware of the goals of your position and how it benefits the organization for which you work for. Curious people ask inquiries and pay attention to their surroundings so that their minds are constantly fed with knowledge that broadens their worldviews. Because when even the smallest things can pique your interest, your life will never be boring.

Some individuals struggle to harness their natural curiosity. Below are some suggestions on how to go about it:

The first way is to let curiosity keep that passion in you burning.

If you chose a profession that interests you, you will always be happy doing it, even when things are difficult. Determine your interests and passions. Choose one of these passions that interests you the most. Would you like to be an illustrator? Do you wish to work in the medical field or in the journalism industry? Do you wish to cook dishes from scratch or make cakes out of dough? Or do you enjoy singing while the shower is running and want to become famous one day?

You would not struggle to maintain curiosity if you put your time and effort into something you are highly enthusiastic about.

Raise the proper questions.

It's ideal if you have a naturally inquisitive personality because curiosity is the key to the best conversations. A wonderful conversation will result from asking the proper questions. Start off by posing an open question that will let the other person elaborate on their response. After that, you can concentrate on "why" questions because they delve into the subject's backstory. You can anticipate that the person you are speaking to will feel at ease opening up to you when you engage with them in a kind and sincere manner.

Be willing to learn as well as to share your knowledge.

Nowadays, individuals would rather surf through social media or watch a trending video than have a real, in-person conversation, which is undoubtedly more entertaining. You may believe you know a lot about the people you work with on a regular basis, but there is only so much you can learn about their work ethics from them.

Instead of pulling out your phone when you have downtime at work, try striking up a discussion with a coworker or your manager, if the office climate is conducive to that. Find out about their interests outside of work by asking. What hobbies they have or what experiences they haven't had yet that they aspire to have in their lifetime. You can give back by lending a sympathetic ear, a perceptive mind, and your personal thoughts on the subject you raised. You might find yourself thinking back on these experiences and interactions in the future and realize how much you have gained from them.

One of your coworkers, for instance, taught you that using ergonomic furniture can help you focus better. When you transfer to a firm that employs height-adjustable standing desks, you rapidly learn that utilizing this ergonomic device actually makes you a lot more focused and effective even if at first, you may believe you are just wasting money.

Understand how to integrate your knowledge and experiences into various facets of your life.

If you are able to use the knowledge and perspectives you gained from seeing, listening, and engaging, your curiosity will work in your favor. As was already mentioned, each of these encounters would have taught you something and contributed to the person you are now. Always consider how you can put something you've learnt into practice. How, for instance, can understanding how old your business is assist you in providing better service to it? Since you are aware of this knowledge, don't you want to know what the future contains and how you can help the business continue to succeed?

Go outside and breathe some fresh air.

Though you may be a workaholic, you must constantly remind yourself to take breaks. To be able to recharge and clear your thoughts during the course of a workday, you must take regular pauses. Your creativity will flow and the possibilities are unlimited when your mind is clear. Going for a walk outside can help you recharge and feel better. Stay away from your desk, get up, and visit a local cafe or a park for a stroll. According to science, brains have the ability to improve your mood. Not only can walking improve your physical health, but it also makes your brain work at its best. As soon as you establish a new habit of religiously walking, you experience the same sense of wellbeing.

We assure you that only a short stroll to the park will arouse all of your senses, from sight to smell.

Have no fear of stepping outside of your comfort zone.

By pursuing the one thing you desire but are afraid of, you can quench your curiosity. Has there been something you've always wanted to try but have avoided after you've arrived? If you're scared of something, do it anyway for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. When we talk about your life outside of work, the list will undoubtedly be full with athletic pursuits like biking and scuba diving. However, you could also consider jobs that push you beyond of your comfort zone when we talk about work. You can be afraid of speaking in front of groups of people. Take on the responsibility of speaking into a microphone without hesitation as a challenge.

You'll push yourself beyond of your comfort zone out of curiosity.

Make an effort to comprehend a situation from all angles.

This will help you develop strong critical thinking abilities while also enhancing your creativity. What convictions do you consider to be steadfast and true? Make a mental list of the compelling arguments put forth by the opposition. This will assist you in developing empathy and may even encourage you to reinforce your current beliefs. Your ability to consider opposing viewpoints on a subject can help you broaden your perspective and become more empathetic toward those who think differently than you.