Anger: it can be a tricky emotion to manage, especially in the workplace. Even if you try your best to keep calm and collected, sometimes things just get too heated for comfort. But don't worry - anger management doesn't have to be as daunting as it seems! With a bit of practice and understanding, you can learn how to effectively deal with those overwhelming emotions when they arise at work.
Anger at a Glance
We all know what anger is like - we have all experienced it. It is an emotion we are all familiar with, but how do you define it? The dictionary definition of anger is a strong feeling of displeasure, hostility, or antagonism toward someone or something. It usually involves negative thoughts and feelings about the person or thing that has caused the anger.
Anger is a normal emotion that we all experience. It's characterized by feelings of frustration, annoyance, and even rage. But why does someone feel angry in the first place? When someone is angry, it's because they feel like their boundaries have been crossed somehow - whether through physical actions (such as being yelled at) or emotional ones (such as having your feelings disregarded). Things outside our control, such as natural disasters or financial strain, can also trigger it.
We experience it when things don't go our way, or someone has done us wrong. It can range from mild annoyance to severe rage, and its effects can last anywhere from a few seconds to several weeks.
Though anger is normal, it can be destructive if left unchecked. We must learn how to manage our anger to prevent negative consequences for ourselves and those around us.
Effects of Anger
The effects of anger on the body can be both physical and emotional. Physically, anger can cause a spike in adrenaline, heart rate, and cortisol levels. This can lead to increased sweating, trembling, rapid breathing, flushed skin, headache, and even nausea or vomiting.
On an emotional level, anger can lead to guilt or shame and a sense of powerlessness or hopelessness. Research has also shown that angry people tend to have higher levels of depression and anxiety than those who can better manage their emotions.
Managing Anger
Even though anger is a normal emotion, it can be destructive if it spirals out of control. Fortunately, there are ways to manage your anger and prevent it from getting the best of you. Here are some steps to manage this normal emotion that can turn destructive within seconds.

Remove Yourself from the Situation
If you feel angry, it's best to remove yourself from the situation. Go for a walk or find a quiet place to cool off before dealing with the issue. Think of it like this, would you keep your hand on a hot surface, even when you know it is burning? Probably not. Then why would you focus on a situation that makes you so angry?

Deep Breathing
Once you've removed yourself from the situation, practicing deep breathing is important. This will help your body relax and clear your mind of any racing thoughts causing your anger.
You activate your body's natural relaxation response when you take deep breaths. This helps reduce anxiety and stress, which can help calm anger.
To practice deep breathing, begin by sitting comfortably with your eyes closed. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly.
As you breathe in through your nose, slowly count up to four seconds and then slowly exhale for a count of four seconds. Focus on how it feels as your chest and belly expand with each breath in and collapse as you exhale. Focus on this feeling for at least five minutes or until you feel relaxed.

Identify Your Triggers
It's important to take some time to think about what might have triggered your anger. What was it that made you so angry? Was it someone else's actions or words? Or did something outside of your control cause the initial reaction?
Once you've identified the triggers, you can start working on managing your future reactions.
Triggers can vary from person to person, so it is important to consider each situation and how it makes you feel. If possible, think of ways you could have reacted differently in a similar situation. This will help you understand which triggers are more likely to cause an angry reaction and give you strategies for managing them in the future.
For example, if someone says something hurtful about your appearance that causes an angry reaction, next time, remind yourself that their words don't define who you are or how others perceive you.

Acknowledge & Accept Your Feelings
It's important to acknowledge and accept your feelings. You don't need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about feeling angry, but it is better to express your emotions healthily than bottle them up.
Try writing down your feelings in a journal or talking with someone you trust. Talking openly can help you understand why you feel the way you do and provide an outlet for expressing your emotions.
Take time out of each day to relax and reflect on your thoughts and feelings. This will help you gain more insight into yourself and create a deeper understanding of what causes an emotional reaction.

Develop Coping Strategies
Developing coping strategies is essential when managing anger. These strategies can help you deal with difficult situations in a healthy way and prevent them from escalating out of control.
Some coping strategies that you could try include:
Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization.
Take regular breaks throughout the day to give yourself some time away from stressful situations.
Work on communication skills to effectively express your feelings without becoming angry.
Seek professional help if needed.
Learning how to cope with anger is important in managing it in the workplace. You must take proactive steps to identify and manage your triggers, practice self-care, and develop effective coping strategies so that you can remain productive and

Try Doing A Physical Activity
Getting some exercise can be a great way to manage your anger. Exercise releases endorphins which are known to help relieve stress and improve mood.
It doesn't have to be too intense - simple activities such as walking, swimming, or cycling can all have calming effects. Not only will this help you feel better in the moment, but it also gives you time away from the situation that may have caused the initial anger reaction.
Even if you don't feel much like exercising, it is important to try and get some physical activity every day – even just taking a few minutes for a light walk around your office or workspace can help reset your mind and body.
Physical activity is often seen as an outlet for stress and, when practiced regularly, can help you learn to manage your anger in a more constructive way.

Make Time for Yourself
It is important to make time for yourself and ensure that you have an outlet where you can express your emotions without feeling judged.
Find things that make you feel calm, such as listening to music, watching movies, or spending time with family and friends. Taking some time out of each day to focus on yourself can help keep your stress levels in check and enable you to better manage any difficult situations that may arise at work.
Cooling Down a Heated Situation
An anger management plan is a great way to ensure that workplace disputes are resolved constructively.
When an argument arises, it is important to step back and take a few moments to cool down before continuing the discussion. This will help you think clearly about resolving the issue without further escalating the conflict.
It can also be helpful to separate yourself from the situation for a few minutes by going for a walk or having some time away from your desk. Taking this time out can help you process your emotions and create enough space between you and the other person involved so that you can regain perspective on what has happened.

WalkingPad A1 Pro by FlexiSpot
Remember how we discussed physical activity as one of the efficient ways to manage anger? If you're looking for an efficient and comfortable way to exercise at home or work, the WalkingPad A1 Pro by FlexiSpot is one of the best products.
It features a foldable design and multiple speed settings, making it easy to store away when not in use. With this device, your office can stay active without taking up too much space!
The A1 Pro is a great fitness tool you can use while working. Surprised? With a standing desk, all you need to do is slide the A1 Pro underneath, and your legs can continue to work out as your mind continues to work.
The WalkingPad has a thickness of only 2.2 inches and is 32.3 inches when ready to use. This makes it convenient to fit into smaller spaces, and its super-quiet operation makes it great for use in quiet environments.
The WalkingPad A1 Pro is the perfect addition to any office looking to promote activity while still getting work done. With intelligent speed control, it automatically adjusts to your walking or running speed.
Overall, the A1 Pro is essential for any office that wants to stay active and healthy. It provides a great way to motivate your team while still getting the job done!
Final Thoughts
Managing anger in the workplace is an important skill to have. Taking a proactive approach can ensure that disagreements and disputes are handled constructively while allowing everyone involved to retain their dignity and respect.
By staying aware of your emotions, practicing physical activity regularly, and finding ways to express yourself, you can learn to manage your anger more effectively. Additionally, having an anger management plan in place at work can be a great way to ensure all parties remain calm during heated situations. Finally, the WalkingPad A1 Pro by FlexiSpot is the perfect addition to any office looking for an effective, easy-to-use fitness tool!