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A Workable Guide for the Building and Sustenance of a Minimalist Lifestyle

12 December 2022

Since every office or remote worker has his or her own preferences, it'll be a bit harder to arrive at a uniform formula needed to build an incredible minimalist lifestyle.

So you have the discretion of determining what makes your workplace minimalistic and you can use the steps shared here to make the journey more adventurous and fun-filled for yourself.

But you need to remember that being a minimalist is tailored toward a purpose - focusing on items or materials that will help you live a simple and straight daily life. In other words, you have no time for superfluous spending or acquiring accessories just for the fun of it.

This means that you need to examine yourself and look out for anything that might rob you of living a more focused life. You can start with evaluating your budget and moving on to additions or subtractions that your home office needs to be perfectly decluttered.

This is a new and important phase of your career, so you need to have a game plan in place. At least, it'll serve as the action plan that will make these new habits you are trying to develop stick.

Here it is!

Stay Organized and Decluttered

Here is another top you need to improve on if you want to become a pro in this minimalist lifestyle. So you need to always stay organized and ensure that your home office or workplace is not cluttered.

Meanwhile, getting rid of items in the room or giving room for more space doesn't necessarily translate to a clutter-free workstation. Rather, you need to make sure that each item has its designated spot and it maintains that position always.

Even when you're done using them, they must be restored to their initial position. And if you have fewer possessions, that means you won't have many arrangements to do.

As you nurture this habit, it'll become your second nature such that you can easily point at where the item you need for each work session is even with your eyes closed.

Relieve Yourself of the Past

It is not always a good idea to keep falling victim to the same mistake. And this might affect your level of productivity anytime you get ready for the day's tasks.

But instead of concentrating too much on what the future holds, why not maximize this moment you're currently in? Yesterday is in the realm of the past, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift.

Hence, your best chance here is to relieve yourself of the past and make the most of the gift. Remember that the more you immerse yourself in those bitter and heartbreaking experiences, the more your efficiency level dips.

And in the same manner, you should not hold much energy on past achievements. They are sweet to think about but doing that excessively might hold you down from aiming and achieving greater feats.

Don't Own Too Much

You should bear in mind that building and sustaining a minimalist lifestyle is very difficult, if not entirely impossible, for an office worker with excessive possessions.

Therefore, another area that demands your urgent attention is knowing how to cut down your purchases or get rid of those items that no longer trigger physical and mental wellness in the workstation.

Also, you should try to defeat the spirit of procrastination because this phase won't be always easy. Hence, you need to do the removal all at once. This is also because many office workers tend to surround themselves with many items to make them feel safer.

And after the evaluation and you discover that you don't need some possessions, you shouldn't be reluctant to deal with them accordingly.

However, you can also learn how to add some sentimental items using minimalistic design tips that resonate with you.

Invest in Reusables

As you cut down on these excessive possessions, you should also prioritize products that can be reused. For instance, you should consider going for a glass reusable water bottle in place of disposable ones.

You can also add a notch by taking your takeaway coffee cup along any time you need to hit the local cafe around your home or workplace.

Apart from the possibility of getting some discounts for bringing a cup, you are also helping in the quest to make the environment greener and healthier for all.

Invest in Experiences

A popular trend in minimalism is putting experiences over-investment in material items. For example, some folks may derive value and pleasure from embarking on trips or owning the latest pieces of tech.

But you need to determine what works for you best and spend accordingly. And since the minimalist lifestyle allows you to record more savings, you need to be wise about which other areas will gulp the extra cash.

Therefore, we will advise that you become more intentional by focusing on experiences above material items. For example, why not embark on a saving spree and use whatever you have at the end of the day to spend a vacation away with your family?

That way, you will be free of spending your time on activities or plans that may negatively affect your budget.

Take Time to Re-audit Your Life

What's life without constant evaluation and re-evaluation? That's the path to self-stagnancy. But we are here with some good news that'll make this minimalist lifestyle more wholesome.

You need to take time to analyze your spending culture and regularly audit them to determine if there are adverse impacts on other areas of your life.

This tip will also do away with the challenge of activities or plans that drain your energy and make you less productive.

And as you follow this step religiously, you will be amazed at how fast your growth will be because you'll soon decide to get rid of the possessions you thought you thought you won't live without.

Streamline Your Meals

The primary code used in determining a minimalist is whether or not he is healthy. So you need to also focus on your nutrition, hygiene, eating culture, and other things that may have impacts on your health.

This will also help you cover the need of getting a personal nutritionist that will be telling you what to and what not to consume.

In other words, you need to invest in foods that are rich in nutrition. Do you even know that this is the secret behind the longevity of the Japanese people?

They are in a deep romance with diets that are rich in fresh seafood, vegetables, and fruits. This is also to remind you that you need to steer clear of eating meat, canned products, and other processed products.

You should also prioritize taking tea and water. It is one of the healthy life hacks that will make this journey smoother for you as opposed to alcoholic beverages and junk food that will mess with your body system.

We know that you are a fan of instant food but there's another healthy substitute for junk food you should check out.

How about getting a blender to make your production of fresh-from-the-source juice or blenders?

Never Lose Focus

In the contemporary world, distractions abound everywhere. For instance, office and remote workers are easily distracted by the vibrations of their TV, the sounds of their phones, especially the social media notifications popping up, and other things.

And this can be traced to the problem of multitasking that you have probably fallen into. This is why you end up spending more time completing a project that could have been done way earlier.

Therefore, you need to pay rapt attention to building and sustaining a spot where you can work on all your tasks without distractions. So installing a privacy pod should come in handy here.

A privacy pod is a backyard shed primarily built for work purposes. You can also invest in noise-canceling earphones if you want to stay focused and active all through the day.

Opt for a Simple Closet

Do you know that you don't have to overdress before people around you will be impressed? Yes, you don't need such a lifestyle.

What the minimalist lifestyle teaches is that what makes people around you like you or develop some respect for you isn't those fancy clothes you put on. It's all about how you can make them happy.

So you need to settle for a simple wardrobe. Apart from saving you from unnecessary purchases, you will also concentrate on other important areas of your life.

Opting for a simple closet also means that you'll get more clothes with the same amount you would have invested in a few fancy wears.

Take a look at folks like Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, and other influential persons you admire. They are always decked in simple clothes. Follow their example!

Create the Perfect Spot for Every Accessory You Have

Except they are decorations, most office accessories should have a specific location where you store them.

It doesn't have to be a specially created unit. You can store them on the shelf, arrange them on the cupboard, or create any other pattern that will make the entire room more aesthetically pleasing.

Shop Quality and Not Quantity

That you are a minimalist does not mean you should not go shopping. You need to. The difference now is that you have to be intentional and prudent with your spending.

Probably you need to get a new pair of sneakers or a set of jackets, you shouldn't look at the number of pieces you can get with that money.

Rather, go for quality pieces at all times. Although this requires higher prices, you will be eventually saved from the headache that accompanies buying products over and over without deriving maximum satisfaction from them.

It will also save you more money because all the frequent purchases must have been cut down. Try it today!

Plan Your Daily Schedules and Follow Religiously

Taking charge of your time is the most important weapon you need to wield to create more time for yourself. This will help you build a calendar so you can easily follow through for yourself.

All your projects will be executed at a faster pace and you'll live free of distractions

Bottom Line

We hope that all the tips discussed in this guide will give you a soft landing as you kickstart this new phase of your work life today.

All you have to keep in mind is that you don't have to purchase any accessory except if it is essential to your work or if it is one of the priorities on your shopping list.