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9 Strategies to Naturally Reduce Back Pain

13 August 2021

If you've ever slumped in your computer chair at work, grabbed heavy items without using your legs for support, or tightened your shoulders when life got tough, back discomfort may have followed. Lower back pain is becoming more and more common as we get older. Furthermore, as muscle flexibility and bone strength decline with age, your back becomes more susceptible to stress and injury. 

How Do We Properly Sit to Avoid Back Pain?

It is never healthy to sit in one position for an extended time. When you do it with your back arched forward, drooping to one side, or slumping too far backward, you're putting undue strain on your spine. This might result in discomfort as well as many other complications. Align your body along an imaginary straight line running down the length of your back, off your head, and up to the roof to help you sit upright. Maintain a level posture with your shoulders and avoid allowing your hips to slide forward. Your lower back will curve as a result of this. The small of your back will lengthen and stretch if you sit up perfectly straight.

What You Can Do

Back pain is a condition that can go away by itself, but alternatively, it may continue despite intervention. The majority of back pain situations do not need surgical intervention. Luckily, with proper therapy, the pain will go away for the majority of patients. Some, on the other hand, may have a difficult time finding pain relief. Complementary and integrative therapies can help those suffering from back pain if all other choices are exhausted. These treatments can help you develop a foundation for making significant positive changes in behavior, boost your self-efficacy, and offer you hope for recovery.

Multiple therapy options may be required for effective relief when lower back pain lingers and remains to compromise with your health and wellbeing. Many natural therapies for back pain can help you cut down on your prescription intake or complement your current medical treatment. Examine the following natural pain-relieving methods to see which one works best for you:

Young woman practicing hatha yoga at home. Happy girl doing morning exercises. Sport workout


Extend your back muscles by maintaining downward dog for 5 - 10 seconds. This action relieves the pressure in the low back, which can cause pain. To minimize further lower back pain, remember to tilt the pelvis beneath. Another excellent position for back pain is the pigeon pose. Pelvic muscles can get tight very rapidly, putting strain on the back. Backpressure and pain can be relieved by extending hip extensors and flexors.


Insomnia—difficulty sleeping and/or staying asleep—is commonly caused by pain. Back discomfort might be exacerbated by a lack of sleep. This endless loop makes getting restful sleep more challenging. Sufficient restorative sleep is required for the tissues of the body to mend and energy levels to recover. If you're having difficulties sleeping, it's critical to address the source of the problem, whether it's a pain or something else. Depending on what is causing your sleep problems, your doctor may prescribe lifestyle modifications, medications, or other remedies.

Give these natural sleep remedies a try to find out which one works best for you:

  • Melatonin: Melatonin, our natural sleep hormone, can be taken as a supplement to help you sleep better.
  • Vitamins C and B6: Vitamins C and B6 are two of the most essential vitamins. Your body's natural steroids regulate your metabolism and help you sleep better.
  • L-theanine: L-theanine, an amino acid present in tea leaves, may assist individuals in relaxing and sleep better.


When your back hurts, you may be compelled to lie in bed, but movement and exercise can truly help you recover quicker and minimize discomfort. Regular physical activity reduced pain by 28% and impairment by 36%, according to a study of 240 men and women. The safest approach is low-impact, moderate-intensity exercise. Avoid movements that cause discomfort or demand a lot of jumping or squatting, which can aggravate injuries. Extend your back completely for two to three minutes at the end of your workout. To relieve any stress built up during your exercise, lie flat on your back and hold your knees.

Your abdominal and back muscles play an essential function in supporting your lower back. These muscles don't get a good workout during a typical day; thus, exercise is required to tackle them particularly. Numerous basic routines may be included in your regular activities and completed in 20 to 30 minutes. Simply sitting straight on an exercise ball for 30 minutes a day will work your upper body if you're just getting started.

standing desk


It's critical to give importance to your spine and pelvic muscles and joints. Follow easy methods to avoid stress and fatigue on these joints:

  • To avoid stress on your spine, check your posture and readjust your neck, shoulder, and back alignments. Improper, unsupported posture can lead to a wide variety of back disorders, producing or exacerbating discomfort.
  • Switch your activities to keep the same joints and muscles from being overworked. Try switching to a different activity where you can sit if you've been standing and working for a while. Once the joints and muscles have had time to relax, you can return to standing.
  • If you must sit for long periods, try using a sit-stand desk. The compression on your spinal discs increases when you sit for an extended period. To relieve the strain on your discs, get up every hour and walk a short distance. Although a standing desk may help with back problems, it is unlikely to be a miracle for everything. A stand-up desk could help you improve your posture and relieve pressure on your neck and lower spine, but it won't fix other significant issues like scoliosis or a herniated disc. Before investing in a standing desk, consider standing while working with what you have, such as a stack of heavy books to rest your laptop on or a dresser.


Acupuncture can be traced back to ancient China. It is frequently used in the Western world. To help relieve pain, fine needles are inserted through the skin at certain places on the body. Acupuncture could have an anti-inflammatory and relaxing impact by releasing endorphins, the body's natural pain killer.


The pressure on the back muscles intensifies as we acquire weight. The greater curvature in the spine caused by the heavyweight in the front of the body can damage and press the discs and nerves. Weight loss decreases strain on the lumbar spine and nerves and minimizes the inclination to hunch the back.


Meditation can help you focus better, emit feel-good chemicals (endorphins), and reduce worry and tension. You can regulate how your body feels pain by practicing attentive meditation.

Young asian woman in headphones looking at laptop while holding cup of tea


When you eat anti-inflammatory foods regularly, your blood can become rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and even anti-cancer components. These powerful drugs can significantly reduce and/or eliminate inflammatory reactions in the body over time. Regularly consuming these healthful beverages may aid in the reduction of back discomfort.

  • Ginger-Green Tea: The pain-relieving properties of both green tea and ginger are combined in this drink.
  • Turmeric Milk: Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, and antioxidant effects. Put a tiny amount (1/2 teaspoon) of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk for an easy way to eat turmeric. If you like a sweeter taste, you can add some stevia or honey to the milk. To encourage the anti-inflammatory mechanism to work while you sleep, drink this right before bedtime.
  • Tart Cherry Juice: Cherries contain a lot of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Cherry juice can alleviate muscle pain, whether it's chronic or caused by exercise. Cherry juice is widely available in stores and frequently contains tart cherry extract. Try enjoying a glass of cherry juice every day to see if it helps relieve your back pain.


Continuous back pain can wreak havoc on your life, influencing your valued relationships, funds, and ability to get things done at work and home. Discovering activities that bring you joy can help relieve pain and stress. Some people find that doing just three things that produce positive outcomes each day can make the pain more bearable. Even something as simple as laughing with a friend can trigger feel-good endorphins.

A medical practitioner must assess severe pain that is not alleviated by natural remedies for a precise and reliable diagnosis and treatment options.