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9 Standing Desk Micro Workouts That Can Rev Up Your Productivity

22 December 2022

Office work and life may seem comfortable and contained to an outside observer. But we all know it's hectic and can be stressful. And after a long day at work, you still have to deal with errands, social obligations, and traffic, to mention a few of life's realities. With all that, it's no wonder many people are too exhausted to hit the gym or go for a walk after they clock out.

However, you always have to remember that inactivity and prolonged sitting harm your health. It raises the risk of uncontrolled weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, postural problems, and chronic muscle & joint pain.

It takes a conscious effort to counteract the adverse effects of prolonged sitting. According to research, even a daily 30-minute workout isn't enough – It doesn't cover the bare minimum. So what option do you have?

If you have a height-adjustable desk, you're halfway there. The rest lies in you getting up and moving. This article covers nine micro workouts that can rev up your productivity. And best of all, you don't need to leave your workstation.

But first…

Is it Necessary to Exercise if You Use a Sit-Stand Desk?

It's easy to assume that merely using a height-adjustable desk is the route to health and wellness. However, simply standing around will not protect you from the dangers of sedentary office life. For that, you'll need to exercise!

Experts point out that physical inactivity and sitting all day increases the risk of chronic pain and diseases. They've established that active sitting and at least an hour of daily physical activity can help manage or prevent:


Back, neck, and other muscle aches


Some forms of cancer

Heart disease

Anxiety and depression

It reduces these risks by over 30%, which is better than most clinical treatments and drugs. The secret is not only getting a standing desk but also moving more often. This is because standing for long periods can also cause some complications, e.g., varicose veins, especially if you don't have an ergonomic anti-fatigue mat.

9 Micro Workouts You Can Try at Your Standing Desk Today

The good news is there are many ways to add physical activity to your workday. You don't need to leave your desk to get a good workout.

The following section covers simple exercises that help to improve:

Blood circulation

Energy levels


Brain activity

With that in place, your productivity can improve in leaps and bounds –It's that easy!

Standing Desk Micro Workouts for Improved Energy Levels

Most occupational muscle aches and pains result from poor muscle growth and maintenance. The following simple routines will help you make your muscles stronger so you can stand for longer intervals.

Calf Raises

Most gym fans neglect their calf muscles even on leg day. This simple routine is as effective as taking a short jog; you can do it from your desk.


Plant the soles of both feet flat on the floor

Raise both heels until you're standing on your tippy toes

Hold the pose for at least 3 seconds

Bring your heels down to the floor

Repeat 20 times

If it feels too easy, try doing one leg at a time. You can also use a huge book like a phone directory as a stepping point and switch the routine. Rest your toes on the spine of the guide to lower the elevation of your heels.

This adds a few inches of resistance and gives you practical use for your old telephone directory.

Lateral Leg Raises

Do your legs get weak after standing for a brief period? This simple routine is effective at working your thigh and glute muscles. It also encourages blood circulation to improve your focus and energy.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips

Keeping your core engaged, slowly lift one leg out to the side, as high as possible, keeping your thigh parallel to the ground.

Use your height-adjustable desk as support if you're wobbly.

Hold for a moment ( at least 5 seconds), then lower your leg back to the starting position.

Repeat on the other side

Start with two sets of 10 repetitions on each side and work up to three sets as you get stronger.

NB: You can wrap a resistance band around both thighs to make the exercise more challenging and rewarding.

Full Squats

Squats are effective at making your lower body stronger and capable of carrying more weight. They look fun to do, so don't be surprised if your coworkers want to join in the fun!


Stand up and ensure your back is straightened (support yourself with your desk if necessary).

Squat like you're about to sit on an imaginary chair.

Hold the position once your thighs are parallel with the ground for about 5 seconds.

Then, get back to a standing position


Standing Desk Micro Workouts for Improved Flexibility

The previous section covered simple ways to develop stronger muscles. But all that effort is only worthwhile if you can find ways to make them more flexible.

Flexibility reduces muscle injuries and allows them to continue growing. The following routines also prevent you from throwing out your back.

Hamstring Stretches

You can perform these stretches when taking a short break from your tasks. Your eyes and body will feel rejuvenated.


Start by sitting near the edge of your ergonomic office chair with your feet flat on the ground and your hands on your thighs.

Extend one leg straight in front of you with your heel on the floor and your toes pointing towards the ceiling.

Then, keeping your back straight, bend your upper body (trunk), hinging at your hips.

Bend lower until you feel a stretch along the back of your thigh.

Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

Quad Stretches

These stretches can help you relax your lower body, loosen up your leg muscles and improve your flexibility.


Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place your right hand on the edge of your desk or other support for balance.

Bend your left knee and grab your left ankle with your left hand

Gently pull your heel toward your buttock, feeling a stretch in the front of your thigh

Force the knee of the other foot backward

Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, then release and repeat on the other side.

You can also increase the intensity of the stretch by pulling your foot closer to your buttock with your hand.

Lunge stretch

The lunge stretch is a great way to loosen up your hips, thighs, glutes, and groins at your standing desk.


To perform the stretch, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Take a large step forward with your right foot, keeping your left leg straight behind you.

The right knee should be bent at about a 90-degree angle

You should feel a stretch in your inner thighs and quads.

Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat. Remember to keep your back straight throughout the stretch.

Standing Desk Micro Workouts to Help Prevent Muscle Aches

Sitting all day in unnatural postures can cause various Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs). It manifests as stress, aches, and pain in your muscles, eyes, and other body parts.

The following stretches can help you alleviate such stress.

Carpal Tunnel Relief Stretches

Carpal Tunnel syndrome can be caused by repetitive motions, such as typing, and causes painful joint tightness in your wrists and fingers. You may even need surgery in worst-case scenarios.

The following hand stretches can prevent this from happening.

Wrist Flexor Stretch


Extend your arm straight in front of you with your palm facing down

Use your other hand to apply pressure and pull your fingers back towards your body, gradually increasing the stretch

You should feel a mild to moderate stretch in the muscles on the inside of your forearm

Hold this pose for up to 30 seconds.


Reverse sides and repeat 3 -5 times

NB: Perform these stretches at least once an hour to ensure your fingers don't fall asleep while on the keyboard.

Shoulder Stretch

These stretches can help ease the tension on your shoulders that cause upper back pain.


Stretch your left arm across the chest

Loop your right arm over the elbow of your left arm

Pull your arms as firmly and close to your chest as possible

Hold for 5 seconds

Switch arms


March in Place

Walking is one of the best ways to improve blood flow and posture while burning some calories. The good news is marching in place, or pacing at your height-adjustable desk can help you burn 225 calories per hour.

Pacing also helps you jumpstart brain activity for enhanced focus and energy. Add an under-the-desk treadmill to your workstation –And you're set for a highly energetic day!

In summation

These routines may seem simple and, to an extent, feel pointless. But they are highly effective at improving your energy for a more productive workday. The idea is to increase blood circulation by keeping your body in motion.

These exercises also help regulate your heart rate and brain activity. With that, you won't wither or melt into your workstation. Our height-adjustable desks feature alerts reminding you to get off your seat when you've been working too long. Visit our extensive catalog for the best office workout equipment to increase the challenge.