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7 Facts Everyone Should Know About Ergonomics

29 February 2024

Ergonomics is not just about fancy furniture like reclining chairs and standup desks. It is vital to employee productivity and the business's overall health. Simply put, ergonomics ensures maximum productivity by eliminating discomfort and minimizing the risk of work-related injuries.

When creating an office space, there are several factors that you need to consider to ensure maximum efficiency and utilization of resources. For instance, most businesses prefer getting fixtures and furnishings that are low maintenance, boost aesthetics, and offer excellent reliability. One aspect that is often overlooked is ergonomics.

Considering ergonomics would require you to pay attention to the following ergonomic stressors:

The force or energy required to complete a job. This will also factor in the duration it takes to complete it.

The static or difficult postures that may be required to complete the job.

How often does the task or job need to be repeated?

For example, if you have a desk job where a person is required to sit at a computer for most of their work hours, you can evaluate the ergonomics by the person's posture, including the neck, back, arms, and wrists. If any of these are in discomfort, you will likely suffer from productivity issues. You will also need to understand how much time they spend at their workstation and whether they should sit or stand while doing the job. Lastly, you will need to understand that this job needs to be repeated for at least five days a week, so you will have to ensure that the person remains comfortable.

Now that we understand what ergonomics is and how it works, let us look at some interesting facts about ergonomics.

1. Ergonomics Boost Productivity

As discussed above, ergonomics deals with providing a comfortable work environment. But at its core, ergonomics is all about productivity, which is why businesses pay so much attention to ergonomics.

When the employees are comfortable and happy, they are more likely to put in the extra effort and even go the extra mile for the company. Ergonomic solutions help design the workstations to ensure minimal obstacles hindering productivity. They ensure that the staff has easy access to all the necessary resources and keep them focused on the task.

2. Ergonomics Makes Communication Easier

In any workplace, communication is key. After all, it is the only way the different departments can coordinate their efforts and complete the task. With a good ergonomic setup, it becomes easier for people to communicate with each other.

Ergonomics takes into consideration the acoustics of the room, as well as the layout of the furniture. For instance, if you have a cubicle setup, you might consider getting sound-absorbing materials to reduce the noise levels. Or, if you have an open-plan office, you can ensure that the workstations are placed so that people can easily see each other and communicate.

3. Ergonomics Reduces Injuries

When you have a good ergonomic setup, it reduces the chances of any work-related injuries. This is because ergonomics considers the risks associated with the job and designs the workstation accordingly.

For instance, if you have a job that requires you to lift heavy objects, you will need to ensure that there is enough space for you to move around and that the objects are placed in such a way that you can easily reach them. Or, if you have a job that requires you to sit at a computer for long hours, you will need to ensure that the workstation is ergonomically designed so that you don't end up with any back or neck pain.

4. Ergonomics Increases Morale

Happy employees mean higher productivity. This is because employees are more likely to be happy and satisfied with their job when they are comfortable. And when they are happy, they are more likely to go the extra mile for the company.

Ergonomics also plays a part in employee retention. Employees are less likely to leave the company when they are comfortable and happy. This is because they feel valued and appreciated and know that the company is doing its best to provide them with a good work environment.

5. Ergonomics Lower Costs

There is a direct connection between MSD (Musculoskeletal Disorders) and ergonomics; as your attention to ergonomics increases, the chances of MSDs occurring decrease. When the employees are healthy and comfortable, you will expect to have fewer medical leaves and save up on lost productivity. Research has shown that for every dollar you spend on ergonomics, you can save up to $3 in medical costs.

Common Injuries Caused By Poor Ergonomics

There are several injuries that poor ergonomics can cause, but some of the most common are the following.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common ergonomic injuries, especially for those who work at a computer all day. The condition is caused by the pressure on the median nerve, which runs from the forearm to the hand. The symptoms include tingling, numbness, and weakness in the hand and fingers.

Tendonitis is another common injury caused by poor ergonomics. It is the inflammation of the tendons, which are the tissues that connect muscle to bone. The symptoms of this condition include pain, stiffness, and swelling in the affected area.

Back pain is another common injury caused by poor ergonomics. This is because when you have to sit or stand in the same position for a long time, it puts a lot of strain on your back. The symptoms include pain in the lower back, which can radiate to the legs.

Headaches are also common among office workers who have to sit in the same position for a long time. The symptoms include pain in the temples, neck, and shoulders.

Shoulder pain is common among office workers who tend to hunch over their computers. The symptoms include pain in the shoulders and arms.

6. Ergonomics Solutions Can Be Applied to All Jobs

Ergonomics is not just for office workers; it can be applied to all jobs. For instance, if you are a construction worker, you will need to ensure that the tools you use are properly designed and fit your body size. You will also need to ensure that the work area is well-ventilated and that there is enough space for you to move around.

If you are a factory worker, you will need to ensure that the machines are properly designed and placed in such a way that they don't cause any strain on your body. You will also need to pay attention to the lighting and ventilation in the work area.

Ergonomics is important for everyone. If you are a stay-at-home parent, you must pay attention to how you arrange your furniture. You will also need to ensure that there is enough space for you to move around and that the lighting in the room is not too bright or too dim.

If you are a student, you will need to pay attention to how you sit at your desk and use your computer. You will also need to ensure that you have enough space to move around and that the lighting in the room is not too bright or too dim.

Ergonomics is important because it can help prevent injuries and improve productivity.

7. Ergonomics Is Not Just About Physical Discomfort

Ergonomics is not just about physical comfort but also about mental comfort. For instance, if you are working in a noisy environment, it can be very stressful, and it can affect your productivity. This is why it is important to pay attention to the noise levels in the work area and ensure they are within safe limits.

It is also important to pay attention to the lighting in the work area. If the lighting is too bright or dim, it can cause eye strain and affect your productivity.

Comhar Pro Standing Desk Q8

The Comhar Pro Standing Desk Q8 is one ergonomic solution you can use in your office or while working from home. It is built on an enhanced frame that ensures maximum stability, even at its highest setting. It comes equipped with a dual-motor lifting system, which allows you to adjust it for sitting or standing position at the push of a button.

The desk comprises a scratch-resistant bamboo top and is available with a white or black frame. The top is equipped with a built-in wireless charger, allowing you to charge your smart devices by just placing them on the table.

It comes with an embedded drawer and a cable management tray. This ensures you keep your workstation neat and tidy at all times.

Final Thoughts

Ergonomics is the study of how people interact with their environment. It is a way to optimize work conditions. Ergonomics has many benefits, such as reducing the risk of injuries, improving productivity, and reducing stress levels. When applying ergonomics in the workplace, it is important to consider all aspects of the job, including the workers' physical, mental, and emotional comfort.

The Comhar Pro Standing Desk Q8 is one example of an ergonomic solution that can be used in the workplace. It is equipped with features that help to improve worker productivity and reduce the risk of posture-related injuries thanks to its height adjustment.