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4 Shocking Health Problems Related To Poor Posture

21 March 2024

If you find yourself slouching on the couch while watching TV or sitting hunched over while working on the laptop and worry that your posture is poor, you are not alone. People have been unaware of their posture for years, and it has only gotten worse in the last decade ever since the introduction of smartphone devices. You will see people with their heads bent and buried in their phones everywhere you go. It is even more problematic now than it ever was before because young children are seen with smartphones and other devices. This results in a risk of developing postural problems as well as many related diseases, which you will be surprised to find out are linked to posture.

What Is Posture?

Posture is defined as the position that your body assumes while it is moving, performing a task, or at risk. The way an individual carries their body is what defines their posture. It is very important to maintain the correct posture at all times because poor posture can cause long-term health problems, which can sometimes lead to serious injuries and irreversible conditions as well.

Dynamic posture is the posture that one assumes while moving, such as running, walking, or bending over to lift something. It is important to treat your body with care and maintain the correct posture, especially while bending to pick something up and lifting heavy objects. Jerky movements and incorrect postures can cause painful spinal injuries as well as bad sprains of the lower body

Static posture is the way we hold our bodies while we are at rest, such as when we are sleeping, sitting in one position, and standing. Certain occupations require us to remain in the sitting or standing position for extended periods. If the incorrect position is held for an extended period, it can become a painful long-term problem. Therefore if your job requires you to sit or stand for extended periods, you must ensure that your posture is correct.

Often we wake up in the morning feeling sore and even more tired than we were before we slept. This is due to sleeping on the wrong kind of mattress. People who are suffering from spinal and back problems or joint-related medical problems such as arthritis should be careful about the kind of mattress they choose to sleep on.

Mattress That Is Too Soft

While a soft mattress looks and feels luxurious, it may not always be the best option for you. Rather than providing you with a relaxing and cozy night of sleep, it can have the opposite effect. For people who are back and stomach sleepers, it can be a huge problem. Soft mattresses can cause you to sink into your bed while sleeping, causing misalignment of your spine and not providing enough support to your joints and limbs. This can result in aching back upon waking up in the morning. This is why a firmer mattress is recommended.

Mattress That Is Too Firm

A mattress that is too firm can often have a negative effect on the body as well. Sleeping on a very firm mattress can put extra strain on your shoulders, hips, and upper body as these are sensitive pressure points. This causes your body to remain tense while you sleep at night, resulting in neck, shoulder, and back pain when you wake up.

What Is a Good Posture

good posture is the kind that is ideal for your body and ensures that there is no strain or tension in any part of your body. You must maintain good posture so that your spine, head, shoulder, neck, arms, and legs are in perfect harmony and relaxed. Here are the correct postures that everyone should be familiar with and should be aware of at all times. When you feel that your posture is incorrect, you must make an effort to correct it and invest in aids that can help maintain and correct your posture. It also helps to get support from family, friends, and work colleagues who you spend the most amount of time with so that they can constantly remind you to correct your posture as well.

The Correct Standing Posture

Stand straight and tall with your head held high and look straight ahead as though focusing on something at eye level in the distance

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart

Keep your back straight, and your tummy tucked in

Keep your shoulders relaxed and not raised or hunched

Your arms should be relaxed and hanging by your side

Your knees should not be bent

Your neck and upper back should not be bent

The Correct Bending Posture

Often we drop something and bend to pick it up; we bend to pick babies up or even lift weights or boxes while moving. You should always remember that there is a correct way to bend and lift heavy objects. Ignoring this important point can result in serious injuries.

Stand near the item you need to pick up

Maintain feet at a distance of shoulder width

Bend your knees down until you are at the same level as the object you have to lift

Hold the object with both hands, do not bend your back, and keep your tummy tucked in.

Hold the object close to your body, gently straighten your knees, and get up.

You may now place the object where it needs to be placed or walk with it.

The Correct Sitting Posture

People who work desk jobs spend up to 8 hours a day or more behind a work desk in the sitting position. This can be highly harmful to the body and the posture and is the most common cause for early onset of chronic back and shoulder pain in office goers. You must maintain the correct sitting posture while at work and invest in a good-quality ergonomic chair to sit on while in the office.

Sit with your feet firmly and flat on the ground

Sit with your hips and thighs completely resting on the seat

Your knees should not be bent more than 90 degrees

Your ankles should be situated behind your knees

Do not cross your legs

Rest your arms at 90 degrees to your body on an armrest

Your shoulders should be relaxed and not raised or rolled forward

Your feet should not hang above the ground

You should look for an ergonomic chair that provides adequate back and lumbar support. The seat should be comfortable and cushioned to support your hips and thighs and the chair should have a height adjustability function to ensure you are working at the correct height. You should not bend your head or upper back while working.

What Are The Health Problems Caused By Posture

There are many health problems that can result from poor posture; some might even surprise you because you would think that they are unrelated. Here are some health problems that can result from having poor posture.

4 Shocking Health Problems Related To Poor Posture


Heartburn and indigestion are common with slouching and incorrect postures. Slouching and hunched postures can put pressure on the abdominal muscles, causing stomach acid to squirt into the gastrointestinal tract. This can cause acidity and gerd symptoms. Slouching can also result in slowing down the movement of food along the digestive tract.

Breathing Problems

This might come as a surprise, but slouching can cause breathing and respiratory problems in people who tend to hunch their backs. Slouching can result in tightening and stiffening of the chest muscles, making breathing difficult.


Incontinence is the inability to control your bladder resulting in leakage of urine. Slouching and incorrect posture can put a lot of pressure on the abdominal organs, which in turn press on the bladder resulting in loss of bladder control and leakage of urine.


Sitting with your knees lower than your hips or a slouched posture on the toilet can result in constipation. This position is unfavorable for passing a bowel movement as it causes the anus to close. Constipation is characterized by fewer than 4 bowel movements in a week and hard and dry stools.

The Final Word

You must be well aware of the correct body posture and always aim to maintain the correct posture. You can use certain aids to help maintain the correct posture as well. Those who work desk jobs should invest in good quality ergonomic office chairs and office desks. Those who have trouble sleeping at night should consider investing in a good quality mattress. These can be ordered easily on the FlexiSpot website and can significantly improve your posture, spinal health, and back pain.