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11 Tips to Become an Effective Writer

17 August 2022

It’s challenging to write but ask every writer about their experience and they’d pretty much tell you how fun or therapeutic it is for them.

The process it takes to reach the final outputs consists of multiple drafts that go through countless revisions before it’s completely polished and ready for releasing.

It’s a profession or passion that requires not only talent and skill, but more so, hard work. The senior writers know how tedious it is so they want to impart words of wisdom to their juniors in the hopes of helping hone their craft.

For a professional write-up, the process typically involves five phases: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. In the prewriting step, writers work with an idea in mind and do their research to make an outline of it. The next step is drafting which is making the first ever copy of the article or the story. The next is revising which involves changing the order of sentences or even introducing to the story. When you enter the Editing phase, that’s when your story is already being proofed for grammatical and spelling mistakes. And of course, once everything is polished, the work is now ready to be published in any format you wish.

In all honesty though, writing can be draining at times, especially if you’re struggling to find your voice or perhaps your purpose in this chosen field. We give you tips below on how you can make your writing journey much more fun.

 Practice writing everyday.

1. Practice writing everyday.

You only need about thirty minutes or even less to dedicate some time for writing. You can challenge yourself with prompts and different genres. The point is you just have to pour words into a paper and scribble away your thoughts.

It’s easier to write of course if you have a goal in mind or there is a purpose that you are directing your writing for. You can first work on topics that tickle your fancy before you move on to hard-hitting subjects that you won’t normally write about.

Motivation won’t come everyday so don’t wait for it. The sooner you start writing, the faster you will improve and become great at it. And as reiterated, you can always start small to go big when you land home.

2. Dedicate focused time for writing.

You don’t want your mind to be wandering while you are writing your next masterpiece. Turn off your phone notifications and let everyone know when you are working on a deadline for a piece and that you cannot be disturbed for this long period of time.

Develop the habit of reading.

3. Develop the habit of reading.

You get to read because there are people who write. You get to enhance your skills by being familiar with the written form of the language that you are using. You get to gravitate towards a specific form or style of writing that speaks to you while you read. This can be your dose of inspiration that you need very much when you are working in the writing industry.

4. Work at your own pace.

Let your clients know that writing takes time. Make them appreciate the process by producing an output of excellent quality because you took your time and worked at your own pace. Do not ever sacrifice the quality of your written word but also make sure to honor your deadline commitments by constantly updating your client about the status of your work.

Test how your ideas will be accepted by your support network.

5. Test how your ideas will be accepted by your support network.

Open up the topic of what you are currently writing about to your family and friends. Do not divulge that it is what you plan to work on. Observe their reactions. Get their feedback about it. This will be really helpful to steer you in the right direction.

6. Celebrate small wins.

It’s a must that you enjoy the craft of writing for you to stay passionate about it. Celebrate every page that you get to finish because it signals one step towards your end goal. Reward yourself for these little wins so that you don’t forget how much you’ve progressed from the very start.

Edit your work a few days after you finish writing it.

7. Edit your work a few days after you finish writing it.

You want to look at your piece with fresh eyes and see how you’d react to every word you’ve written. Your editing process will be much smoother because now you have a new perspective and can pinpoint parts that you don’t really like and sounds as if it has to be changed.

8. Write short and concise sentences and paragraphs.

It still really depends on the style and genre but generally, the shorter your sentences, the better. The more paragraph cuts, the more engaging it is to the eyes. You don’t want to confuse your readers with long and winding sentences. Take note that the active voice works better than the passive voice.

Short does not mean you won’t be specific. In fact, it makes for good writing when you are as specific as possible. It means that you are writing with sentences that are clear and won’t confuse your readers.

Always have a notebook with you.

9. Always have a notebook with you.

Ideas can come to you at any point of the day, anywhere you may be. So when that happens, you’d want your writing notebook to be with you at all times so that you can quickly jot down the thought or the idea that came to you.

10. Know what direction you want to take as a writer.

You can focus your energy in a particular genre when you know the path that you want to take. Sometimes, you have to try everything so that you’d know which specific form you are good at and which excites you the most. A balance between these two means you have hit the perfect spot.

Invest in tools that will help clear your headspace and focus with your goal in mind.

11. Invest in tools that will help clear your headspace and focus with your goal in mind.

As a writer, you need to steer clear of distracting thoughts and focus on what you are writing about. Ergonomic furniture can help minimize your pain while you’re working on a piece. It can also make it convenient for you to stand up and break the long hours of sitting. It lifts your mood and boosts productivity.