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10 Easy Ways to Boost Spine Health

08 March 2022

Back discomfort affects millions of individuals every day. Beyond the discomfort, this kind of disease may reduce the quality of life by forcing you to skip social events or work you like and prohibiting you from doing even ordinary, daily duties.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, low back pain is the largest cause of work-related disability (NINDS).

Taking care of your spine —your neck and back— now will reduce your chances of suffering from back discomfort later.

Many of the efforts you can take to enhance your spine's general health are as simple as improving your body mechanics or how you hold your posture and move while doing regular jobs and activities. Here are some simple strategies to improve your spine's health.

Tip 1: When Sitting, Use Ergonomic Furniture and Minimize Your Overall Sitting Duration

Long durations of sitting may cause or worsen a painful back ailment because the discs in the lower spine are compressed more when you sit than when you stand. Furthermore, while sitting at a desk while staring at a computer screen, our natural propensity is to slump and lean forward, further straining our lumbar discs.

Your spine has a sequence of natural curves, and if the sitting position does not accommodate these arches, your delicate spinal nerves may be damaged over time. Sitting increases stress on the spinal discs by 40%, which may lead them to herniate and cause spinal nerve irritation or compression over time. Choosing the correct office chair and maintaining excellent posture when sitting are crucial factors in maintaining your back's natural curves.

It's also critical to do everything try to minimize sitting for lengthy periods of time. At least once daily for an hour, get up and stretch, try and work at a standing desk for part of the day, or even get up and move about while chatting on the phone. We recommend the Standard Standing Desk to help you stay active even while working. The spine is designed to move in order to be healthy, and movement provides nutrients to the spine.

Tip 2: Make Fitness a Way of Life

Exercise is crucial for keeping a healthy spine, and it may also help with the recovery of a damaged spine.

You don't have to be a specialist in physical fitness to benefit your spine by exercising regularly. A modest exercise routine that focuses on strengthening and stretching the hamstrings, back, and abdominal muscles will help.

Getting nutrients into the discs and soft tissues of your spine
Reducing inflammation and speeding up your recovery
Maintaining the health of the ligaments, muscles, and joints

Some individuals like to work out in the morning, while others prefer to do it in the evening. You'll need to do some trial and error to find out the optimal time to work out. Always remember to take things slowly and, if required, seek advice from a competent specialist.

Tip 3: Engage Your Thoughts

Take time each day to practice mindful meditation if you suffer from persistent pain or stiffness in your spine. While no one therapy approach is beneficial for everyone, research has shown that meditating may help with persistent back pain.

Meditation doesn't need much time—a quiet place and 15 minutes are generally plenty. While some individuals enjoy a gloomy environment, others prefer a bright one. Some people like strolling meditations, while others prefer to meditate in a lovely, soothing environment, including on the shore or in their garden.

It is simpler and more productive to work in an environment where you are relaxed and comfortable.

Tip 4: To Support Your Spine, Go for a Stroll

Walking has several advantages, including:

Strengthening the core muscles that maintain your body upright and providing nourishment to the spinal soft tissues
Increasing your spine's flexibility
Increasing the level of equilibrium
Increasing the strength of your bones

If you're experiencing discomfort, see your doctor before beginning any new walking regimen. A doctor's suggestion is usually for you to stroll as much as you can bear. Start with a few brisk walks every day instead of a single big stroll if you're new to walking or coping with discomfort.

Tip 5: Heat Treatment May Help You Feel Better

Heat is used for the muscles around the spine to stimulate blood flow, which sends restorative nutrients to the muscles. Heat treatment may also help to ease muscle spasms and discomfort related to the joints and muscles surrounding your spine.

Heat treatment may be applied locally in a variety of ways. Heating pads or heat wraps that attach to your lower back and provide a low amount of heat over many hours, as well as hot water bottles, warm gel packs, or a warm bath, are all good options. Because heat treatment is mostly a question of personal choice, you may need to experiment with a few different methods to find the one that works well for you.

Tip 6: Choose A Pillow That Fits Your Sleeping Posture

Choose a pillow that supports the curvature of your neck and lower back when you lay down to sleep. Different types and placements of pillows will be required depending on your sleeping position.

Use a thicker cushion if you sleep on the side to keep your neck and head in the center of your shoulders. Also, to relieve strain on your lower spine, try putting a cushion between your legs.

Use a medium-thickness or flat cushion if you sleep on the back, so your neck isn't raised up too high. Place a cushion beneath your knees to preserve your lower back's regular curvature.

As a general guideline, avoid sleeping on the stomach or curled up in a fetal position since these postures put your back at risk of injury and discomfort.

Tip 7: Massage Treatment Is a Great Way to Relax

Massage therapy has been shown in studies to be an effective treatment for certain forms of back pain. Massages have a number of possible advantages, including:

Improving blood circulation to aid in muscle rehabilitation
restoring range of motion in the spine
Insomnia treatment
Increasing endorphin levels, which are natural substances produced by the body that help you feel happy
You may do a simple back massage at home with tennis balls or go to a local massage professional who is trained in therapeutic massage techniques like deep tissue.

Tip 8: While Lifting, Lead with Your Hips

Lifting heavy objects without bracing your spine puts the lower back muscles in unusual situations, which may result in severe muscular strains. Furthermore, lifting without support might lock the spinal joints or the spinal discs to burst.

Lifting correctly entails more than simply using your knees. When lifting large weights, it's better to lead with your hips rather than your shoulders and maintain your chest forward.

Tip 9: Your Shoes Must Provide Spine Support

The shoes you wear play a crucial part in supporting the lower back, even if you're walking for fitness or simply to get to where you're going. Good shoes give a stable foundation that keeps the body and spine aligned. Make sure the part of the footwear that fits the bottom of the heel is snug but not too tight, for example. Over supination or pronation—or too much foot rolling to the inside or outside—is avoided with a proper fit.

Tip 10: To Improve Your Abdominal and Back Muscles, Use Core Exercises

To support the spine and relieve strain on your lower back, your core muscles (located in the lower back and abdomen) must be strong and supple.

Unfortunately, most of us seldom exercise our core muscles sufficiently throughout daily tasks. Specific, focused activities are required to tone these muscles. To find out which exercises are right for you, talk to your physical therapist, doctor, or other health experts. This website also has a lot of core exercises that may assist with back problems.

In Conclusion

There are ways to boost spine health that can help you feel better and reduce aches in the body. Your back will thank you later in life if you are careful now!